Italian citizen has evolved over the years.
He did it in a literal sense, or has "adapted" to the habitat that surrounded him.
He understood that to survive it must adapt to a system made up of recommendations and exchange of favors, nepotism, bribery and blackmail. What
to climb a rung of the social scale to refine the very Italian art of prevarication, the cunning, selfishness.
who must learn to treat your very special interests carefully, forgetting the community. What
to advance in career to ingratiate himself with his superior laugh at every joke (when required).
He understood that no matter who you are but who you know.
In some cases, this metamorphosis, this mutation, unconsciously, sometimes deliberately.
Every Italian has in the modified gene.
Each of us has it.
And if we make a careful examination of conscience, honestly, we realize it. Some try to stifle self-administer
culture and critical information in massive doses, reciting mantra-based sense civic, intellectual honesty, ethics and morality.
But it is not easy, few are able to eliminate.
usually is left behind.
air of most civilized countries seems to help neutralize the devastating effects of the mutant gene.
Before this change as deep as one can hope that an ordinary person, not a politician to speak, who speaks of substance, of secularism, bioethics, renewable energy and energy saving, flexibility of secure, permanent education, rights of women, homosexuals, immigrants and respect for individual liberties, participatory democracy, the centrality of the circles and the base in the life of a party, the computerized for a more direct and rapid involvement of members and is not, can have any hope of victory.
How can we think that also has a chance if we consider that when you talk about these issues does not do so smoky, generic, in principle, but does so in a timely, detailed preparation, with answers dry, clear, sharp .
with concrete proposals as well. .. "Oh sorry ...
the text is not my bag of flour (it's a certain Massimo Marini) and refers to Ignazio Marino candidate for secretary of the PD ... ( why not become secretary of the PD Marino )