Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Buy Heckler And Koch Denver

The problem is that in Italy, unfortunately, is full of Italians. THE BRIDGE ON THE CLOSE

The problem is that "... In Italy, unfortunately, is full of Italians.
Italian citizen has evolved over the years.
He did it in a literal sense, or has "adapted" to the habitat that surrounded him.
He understood that to survive it must adapt to a system made up of recommendations and exchange of favors, nepotism, bribery and blackmail. What
to climb a rung of the social scale to refine the very Italian art of prevarication, the cunning, selfishness.
who must learn to treat your very special interests carefully, forgetting the community. What
to advance in career to ingratiate himself with his superior laugh at every joke (when required).
He understood that no matter who you are but who you know.

In some cases, this metamorphosis, this mutation, unconsciously, sometimes deliberately.
Every Italian has in the modified gene.
Each of us has it.
And if we make a careful examination of conscience, honestly, we realize it. Some try to stifle self-administer
culture and critical information in massive doses, reciting mantra-based sense civic, intellectual honesty, ethics and morality.
But it is not easy, few are able to eliminate.
usually is left behind.
air of most civilized countries seems to help neutralize the devastating effects of the mutant gene.
Before this change as deep as one can hope that an ordinary person, not a politician to speak, who speaks of substance, of secularism, bioethics, renewable energy and energy saving, flexibility of secure, permanent education, rights of women, homosexuals, immigrants and respect for individual liberties, participatory democracy, the centrality of the circles and the base in the life of a party, the computerized for a more direct and rapid involvement of members and is not, can have any hope of victory.
How can we think that also has a chance if we consider that when you talk about these issues does not do so smoky, generic, in principle, but does so in a timely, detailed preparation, with answers dry, clear, sharp .
with concrete proposals as well. .. "Oh sorry ...

the text is not my bag of flour (it's a certain Massimo Marini) and refers to Ignazio Marino candidate for secretary of the PD ... ( why not become secretary of the PD Marino )

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What Kind Of Dogs Does Jeffree Star Have

Today, Saturday, September 5, 2009, after the "trial" of the pedestrian castrocarese of August, the president of Pro-site spa has distributed a "single number" of "the bell", revival of parochial antiseniano turn of the century, in which the the president himself signed a comprehensive proposal aimed at creating a permanent planning a pedestrian area between the entrance of the baths and the parish church, which provides for the creation of a new road with a lot of construction of a third bridge crossing the river Montone. ( click the map to see in graphic detail the proposal and the critical points )
When you say that fantasy has no limits and that ideas do not have the copyright and, as the lies have short legs or a long nose!
In the late eighties and early nineties of the twentieth century, the City of the Sun and Earth Castrocaro, experienced, negatively, the first administration of the center-left coalition with a dismal PCI-DC (commissioner miserably after just two years). In
electoral program of the DC project proposals were two completely redundant and impractical in both technical and economic means a road crossing the center castrocarese through a tunnel under the fortress and the construction of a third road bridge accessible from the Viale Marconi in front of the cemetery with an outlet on the ring.
Two proposals unworkable, he said, both for technical and economic reasons but also very political!
Leaving out the technical reasons contrary to the tunnel (understandable and obvious) include only those related to building a third bridge over the river Montone.
The proposed solution (taken in all respects in the current re-proposal) sought to clear the area near the spa complex in the passage of cars and trucks, especially trucks and tractors for transportation of agricultural products is of those crafts.
The solution did not in fact that upstream of Castrocaro is an intense activity agricola (seconda voce nell'economia locale) che necessita di raggiungere sia la pesa pubblica sia il Consorzio agrario posti in prossimità della Porta Fiorentina di Terra del Sole.
Così come non considerava le tante attività artigianali (piccole e grandi) insediate proprio dentro al tessuto urbano dei due centri principali.
Fra l'altro, per sopperire all'attraversamento dei centri abitati ai mezzi in transito, il territorio comunale da oltre 30 anni è dotato di una circonvallazione scorrevole e agevole posta sul lato destro del fiume Montone.
Negli anni recenti il Comune si è anche dotato di un piano della viabilità che è stato redatto sulla base di un'indagine accurata sul reale traffico automobilistico e che solutions did not particularly meaningful except to confirm a plan "on paper" since the late nineties, that a new road to be carried out upstream of the Land of the Sun
Finally, the newly approved Municipal Structural Plan , on the road cap. (3.1 The infrastructure of the Report - click on the map ) further than the Plan force, a strategic intervention regarding the construction of a road that, going ahead of fortress of Terra del Sole, this bypasses the historic center as well, in part, to the village of Castrocaro possible to envisage making use of existing roads crossing of the two centers Castrocaro Earth and the Sun for a traffic very limited and public service accommodation and mostly pedestrian.
This will also work to design of street furniture that can qualify the town and attract and interest, for a prolonged stay more , tourists also coming from nearby towns to give more weight to the tourism industry that More must be valued not forgetting that Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole have two adjacent historic centers, a Renaissance and medieval one, which aggregation is perhaps unique in our region.
were provided in the PSC, two interventions roads connecting with the SS n.67: the first verse Forlì and near the center of the Earth and the Sun of the street adjacent Ladino, the order to make it easy to reach the pedestrian center for those who use parking spaces near the hypothetical SS n.67, the second in Sorgara area in the south - west of the urbanized area to Dovadola, to connect directly to the S.S. n.67 la viabilità a servizio di zone agricole per evitare l’attraversamento delle strette vie della zona da parte di mezzi agricoli più lenti ed ingombranti rispetto ad altri mezzi di locomozione. Per tali interventi la priorità attribuita dall’Amministrazione Comunale è media mentre lo stanziamento è da reperire ed il progetto è da redigere. (...)
Lo stesso Piano Triennale prevede altri interventi importanti sulla viabilità con creazione di una zona pedonale a Terra del Sole con opere di arredo urbano nella piazza d’Armi, la realizzazione di un asse viario di collegamento a via Matteotti, per decongestionare via Conti con istituzione del senso unico d’ingresso in via Conti dalla S.S. n.67 e conseguente riordino delle relative intersezioni.
Nell'articolo di Elio Caruso (il presidente della pro loco castrocarese) dell'attuale numero unico de "il Campanone" si legge che la proposta progettuale di isola pedonale e conseguente nuova viabilità è condivisa anche dalla maggioranza comunale!
Le considerazioni che Caruso avanza a giustificazione della proposta, non potendo avvalersi di nessun elemento tecnico ed economico, sono pertanto da considerarsi meramente politiche e come tali dovranno essere motivo di discussione e confronto tanto più che sono appunto condivise anche dall'attuale amministrazione comunale!
Non of course, among other conditions which arises from such a provocation as the experimentation carried out in August of the pedestrian island on Saturday evening did not appear to minimally increased the tourist attraction of the spa town that fails to emerge in the recent past !