The freedom of the serfs in motion by dal blog di Luca Boschi ...
11 ANNI DI GOOGLE E L'ITALIA VISTA DALLA PRINCETON UNIVERSITY La libertà dei servi di Maurizio Viroli L’Italia è un paese con libere istituzioni ma gli Italiani sono servi.
Ha libere istituzioni perché le regole democratiche e le libertà civili sono, con poche eccezioni, rispettate.
Gli italiani non sono liberi perché mancano, in generale, delle fondamentali qualità proprie di liberi cittadini: il rispetto delle leggi e della Costituzione, la volontà e la capacità di assolvere i doveri civici.
The real hallmark of power is now showing contempt for the responsibilities and the rules. Italy appears to the viewer from the outside, a large courtyard, with a new kind of prince in the middle.
Over the centuries the Italians have created forms of governance and modes of political action that had not before. The most obvious examples are the free republics of the early modern and fascism. The first examples were
of freedom, with all their limitations, the second an example of totalitarian domination, but to each other were original creations.
Italy in our times is another original creation policy.
In history there have been and there are many cases bad government, in the sense of leaders who do their interest rather than curing the common good and violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.
There were and there are also cases of oppressive institutions and of free peoples, or peoples oppressed by corrupt governments that have kept them free spirit.
The sample that had not yet seen is that of a non-free people with free institutions, a democratic country where citizens are now, with exceptions, of course, a multitude of courtiers, even if the rulers did nothing to violate the rules of democracy and civil rights.
As you can understand all this?
as it may seem strange, as the creator of the new Italian political system is proclaimed standard bearer of freedom, the Italian problem is a problem of freedom, Italy is not a free country.
To understand this statement to be understood well what it means to political freedom. The prevailing view, the one advocated by the rulers and widespread, says we are free to the extent that we are not oppressed, or until no one is preventing us from doing what we want and we can do, and nobody prevents us from exercising our fundamental rights. The lack of freedom, always in the dominant view today is the result of actions, of what does or does not make those who govern and those who have power in general.
About this conception of freedom is good to know that the first political thinker who has theorized was Thomas Hobbes, an advocate of absolute monarchy that did not accept even the distinction between monarchy and tyranny. And it is especially well known that the chapter of his book Leviathan that explains it is called the liberty of the subject.
Should not it reflect the fact that the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom that now dominates in Italy is the liberty of the subject, not the citizens?
What is instead the freedom of citizens?
The answer is easy, as the Republican political writers who enjoyed the freedom over the centuries have always repeated the same concept does not mean being free to have a good master to be free means not having a boss.
It means not to be dominated by any man or any group of men, that means not to be subjected to any arbitrary power or huge that it can do what he wants: to violate the laws or make laws for their own comfort. Although the arbitrary power of a man or big it was claimed by democratic means, the mere existence of that power makes it not free, but servants.
There is enormous power in Italy that has produced the typical effects of a domain?
While it would be wrong to argue that in Italy there is a power that can entirely control the state and the life of the Italians, you can instead say that there is enormous power, size and extent unknown in any other state or Liberal Democrat in the past or of our time, and that the existence of that power has already created a people who believe free servant, a people which has precisely the freedom of the serfs.
The Prime Minister has a personal fortune that no other leading democratic countries have never even dreamed of owning, directly or indirectly controls a media empire that also did this has no historical precedent, a party has at his command, he himself has created as an offshoot of its businesses, composed of men and women who depend on it for their status, their privileges and their wealth (Or part of their wealth).
The mere presence of such a power to destroy the freedom of citizens.
turns them into people with the mentality and servile courtiers: blind devotion to the powerful men, readiness to lie, obsession with outward appearances, simulation, clownish behavior, lack of probity and courage, acquiescence, obedience, attitude and deceit arrogance, the latter particularly evident in the political class but also in ordinary life.
These characters of a society dominated by an enormous power adds another typical sign of the court society, or the presence of courtesans in the palace for satisfy the desires of the prince, and even to serve in political stables.
The power of money to buy "friends," the power of the media to persuade, and even discussed the charisma of the head of the government does not explain the birth of the power system.
Keep in mind the age-old propensity of Italians to be happy servants and courtiers. Already
the Medici in the sixteenth century, knew that the Italians were happy to live in the employ of a prince. Arlecchino, the typical form national is a servant, but he is happy and successful, with cunning, to do pretty much what he wants. For this reason, our best political thinkers have always emphasized that the problem of freedom in Italy has always been a moral problem in the first place.
Carlo Rosselli, Liberal Socialism in writing that the Italian problem is still [1928] the same, namely a problem of freedom, but the problem of freedom "in its fullness," that is "spiritual independence, emancipation of consciousness ".
He added that it is "sad thing to say, but no less true that in Italy the man's education, training and moral base of the cell - the individual - is still much to be done.
It lacks the most, of misery, indifference, secular renunciation, jealous and deep sense of autonomy and accountability. A servitude of centuries ago that the average Italian is still swinging today between the dress and servile revolt anarchist. The concept of life as struggle and mission, the concept of freedom as a moral obligation, awareness of their limits and others lack. "
But Italy is perhaps the only democratic country where everyone has the audacity to talk about integrity and uprightness is branded as a moralist and ridiculed, perhaps because only the moralists have really understood the nature of the domain that creates servants happy.