Our hands are always on the move and for this reason careful attention is required. In fact, the manual work, contact with water, the action of cold and pollution are serious threats to their beauty.
You should then follow a few small measures to protect hands from external aggression and to keep them healthy and beautiful.
You should then follow a few small measures to protect hands from external aggression and to keep them healthy and beautiful.
Elimination of cuticle:
- To eliminate it is useful to first soften cuticles with a cream or lotion suitable for a few minutes
- Soak hands in warm water
- The cuticles are removed using scissors or a wire cutters to manicures
- To avoid that the skin becomes irritated, massaggiala after treatment with a moisturizing cream or with a few drops of almond oil
How to defang :
- must be cut with scissors manicure, going with a single movement from one extreme to another nail
- Avoid cutting the tip to avoid damaging
- Narrow curvature, using a file box, we do not recommend the metal files
- The movement of the file must be decided and from the outside toward the center
A simple exercise for nail care
to improve blood flow to la base delle unghie e dunque mantenerle sane e forti: piega le dita di entrambe le mani verso il palmo e, appoggiando le unghie di una mano su quelle dell'altra, strofina le mani.