The story
'Meetings and application
Here's my truth "
Patrick D'Addario list in the Municipal
from our correspondent
Patrizia D' Addario
BARI - Patrick D'Addario is a candidate in the lists of "Puglia first 'deployment into the People of Freedom at the last municipal elections in Bari has participated in the early weeks of the campaign alongside the Minister for Relations with the Regions Raffaele Lease and the other politicians running for the PDL. But now it decided not to because he wants to tell another truth. D'Addario has sought the Courier and registered with the utmost caution and the benefit of inventory, its version, being a candidate for local office.
"They put me on the list - he says - because I attended two parties at Palazzo Grazioli. I have proof of what I say and I want to tell you what happened before they decide to pull back. My name is still there, but I'm not there anymore. "
First things first. When she would go Grazioli at the palace?
"The first time was in the middle of last October.
Who invited her?
"A friend of mine from Bari told me he wanted me to talk with a person he knew, to attend a dinner which was held in Rome. I explained that to move would have to pay me and we agreed for 2,000 euro. Then she introduced me to a certain Giampaolo '.
What was the proposal?
"I had to catch a plane to Rome and there I would wait for a driver. I was told once that it was a party hosted by Silvio Berlusconi. " And she
did not think of a joke?
"My friend is a person that I trust blindly. I knew it was true when I have delivered the plane ticket. "
So is playing?
"Yes. I arrived in Rome and went by taxi to a hotel in Via Margutta as agreed. A driver came to pick me and took me to the Hotel de Russie Giampaolo from. With him and two other girls we went to Palazzo Grazioli in a car with tinted windows. I was told that my name was Alessandro. "
And then?
"We were taken to a large hall and there we found other girls. Have been twenty. As a starter there were pieces of pizza and champagne. Shortly after he arrived Silvio Berlusconi. "
She had never met before?
"No, never. He greeted everyone and then he stopped talking to me. I knew I hit him because he asked me what job I did and I spoke to him immediately that I want to build a residence on a plot of my family. He showed us the video of his meeting with Bush, the photos of his villas, sang and told jokes.
She immediately returned to Bari?
"It was night, so I went to the hotel and Giampaolo said he would give me only a thousand euro because ero rimasta».
C’è qualcuno che può confermare questa storia?
«Io ho le prove».
Che vuole dire?
«Che quella non è stata l’unica volta. Sono tornata a palazzo Grazioli dopo un paio di settimane, esattamente la sera dell’elezione di Barack Obama».
Vuol dire che la notte delle presidenziali degli Stati Uniti lei era con Berlusconi?
«Sì. Nessuno potrà smentirmi. Ci sono i biglietti aerei. Anche quella volta sono stata in un albergo, il Valadier. Con me c’erano altre due ragazze. Una la conoscevo bene. È stato sempre Giampaolo a organizzare tutto».
E che cosa è accaduto?
«Con l’autista ci ha portato nella residenza del presidente, ma quella sera non c’erano altre ospiti. Abbiamo trovato un buffet di dolci e il solito pianista. Quando mi ha visto, Berlusconi si è ricordato subito del progetto edilizio che volevo realizzare. Poi mi ha chiesto di rimanere».
Si rende conto che lei sostiene di aver trascorso una notte a palazzo Grazioli?
«Ho le registrazioni dei due incontri».
E come fa a dimostrare che siano reali?
«Si sente la sua voce e poi c’erano molti testimoni, persone che non potranno negare di avermi vista ».
Excuse me, but she goes to meetings with the recorder?
"In the past I had serious problems with a man and then when I go to important meetings always bring him with me."
And she would have us believe that has not been checked before entering the Roman residence of Prime Minister?
"So maybe I was clever. But I can assure you that it is. "
And it can also prove it?
"Berlusconi phoned me that evening, as soon as I arrived in Bari a few days after Giampaolo invited me to come back. But I refused. "
us your version seems hard to believe ...
"I tell the facts. Berlusconi had promised me he would send two people you can trust to Bari to unlock my practice. Did not keep the covenants and is since then that are no longer wanted to go to Rome, despite repeated calls by Giampaolo. They knew that I had the evidence of my two previous trips. "
It does not realize that this is blackmail?
"You think so? I can say that a few days after Giampaolo wanted my resume because I said he wanted to run for the European elections. "
But she was not in that list?
"When I started the controversy on tissue, the Secretary of Giampaolo called me to tell me that was no longer possible. "
So was a candidate in municipal fallback?
"At the end of March I tried Tato Greek, the grandson of Matarrese've known for a long time. I requested a meeting and offered me the list 'Apulia first' of which he was the uncle leaders. I accepted immediately, but a few days later I realized that maybe I had made a mistake. "
"My house was completely ransacked. They took away CDs, computer, clothes, underwear. It was a very strange theft. " Even
? But he complained?
"Certainly. But I kept the campaign. Everything went well until the day that Berlusconi has arrived in Bari for the presentation of candidates of the PDL. I waited at the entrance of the Hotel Palace. He looked at me, shook my hand and entered the room filled. I was on my list, so I followed. But the entrance of the hall was blocked by security men and the party that prevented me from attending the event. "
is why now, the incentive to tell this story?
"No, I could continue to campaign and deal with them shadows. The story because I realized that I was deceived. I only asked for help with a project to which I hold dear and yet I have used. "
Fiorenza Sarzanini
June 17, 2009 (Last updated: June 18, 2009)
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