Le microonde vengono prodotte nel forno da un tubo ad elettroni chiamato magnetron. Le microonde rimbalzano avanti e indietro all'interno dell'armatura di metallo del forno finché non vengono assorbite dal cibo. Le microonde causano la vibrazione delle molecole di acqua presenti nel cibo, producendo così il calore che cuoce il cibo. Questo è il motivo per cui cibi contenenti molta acqua possono essere cotti più velocemente rispetto ad altri cibi. L'energia the microwaves is converted into heat as it is absorbed by food. So the food can not become radioactive or "contaminated."
Microwave cooking does not reduce the nutritional value of food more so than with traditional cooking. In fact, foods cooked in a microwave oven may keep more of their vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the microwave cook more quickly and without adding water.
Microwave cooking does not reduce the nutritional value of food more so than with traditional cooking. In fact, foods cooked in a microwave oven may keep more of their vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the microwave cook more quickly and without adding water.
security problems associated with the use of microwave ovens is not any "contamination" of foods, but the cooking temperature, a problem which is also present in other types of cottura.Bisogna be very careful when you cook , or heats meat, poultry, fish and eggs to make sure that the cooking takes place unevenly, leaving the "cold spots" where harmful bacteria can survive.
- Arrange food evenly in a covered dish and add liquid if necessary. Cover the dish with a lid or plastic wrap, cover or leave the film loose to allow steam to escape. The steam that is created helps to destroy harmful bacteria and ensure uniform cooking
- not overly thick pieces of meat cooked to a high power. These pieces are cooked on medium power for longer periods. This allows heat to reach the center not overcook the outer zones.
- Stir or turn halfway through cooking the food to eliminate cold spots where harmful bacteria can survive, and to allow even cooking.
- When you cook food partially in the microwave, then finish cooking on the grill or in a conventional oven, it is important to transfer the food to another heat source immediately. Never partially cook food and then store it for later use.
- Cook poultry and stuffed in a microwave oven is not recommended. Do not use polystyrene trays or film in contact with food because they are not resistant to high temperatures. The melting or deformation of these containers could cause contamination of food with harmful chemicals.
- Cook meat, poultry, egg casseroles, and fish immediately after being thawed in a microwave oven because some areas of the frozen food may begin to cook during the defrosting. Never hold partially cooked food for future use.
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