Pomegranate The numerous beneficial properties of the pomegranate
The beneficial antioxidant properties of the Pomegranate juice is comparable only to green tea, thanks to some analysis to which the fruit has been subjected, which have confirmed this view. The significant benefits on the cardiovascular system and the prevention of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, are indisputable: but to enjoy the maximum, one needs to combine the consumption of pomegranate juice, even a correct lifestyle and then take a proper diet, avoid sedentary lifestyle of smoking and alcohol abuse. But the benefits are not all here: an Israeli research conducted by Michael Aviram, a biochemist at Lipid Research Laboratory in Haifa's Rambam Medical Center, indicates that this fruit has medicinal properties, and even cancer: pomegranate juice, according to research seems to be even toxic to cancer cells. In particular, the benefits of anti cancer "had been found in numerous cases of breast cancer. But not only that the pomegranate has also ellagic acid (a substance also found in raspberries, strawberries, nuts), which, according to researchers, causes the death of the cells 'abnormal'. A new recent research has also highlighted the benefits of this fruit to combat menopause symptoms, particularly depression and bone loss.
anticancer effects of pomegranate
were detected on the anticancer effects of pomegranate breast cancer because it has been possible to detect the inhibition of proliferation breast cancer cells. Antioxidants and polyphenols in this beneficial fruit juice, are also able to counteract the action of ultraviolet (UV), the main cause of skin cancer, the effect of "shield" would come from anthocyanins and tannins which is rich.
Pomegranate to protect the cardiovascular
As mentioned above, there are many benefits of the pomegranate with regard to cardiovascular health: its juice in fact, slows the development of atherosclerosis, lower systolic blood pressure and improves the profile lipid, thus decreasing the risk of diseases linked to them. Antioxidants "Phenolic", which are concentrated in fruits, have shown significant preventive action in cardiovascular disease by acting positively on atherosclerosis, responsible for 80% of all deaths among diabetic patients in America. Even against Alzheimer's the juice of the pomegranate has proved beneficial: one drink a day gives a barrier effect and halves proteins killer. Other new American research has shown the effective properties of this plant to combat bacteria, fungi and viruses as they have highlighted the positive results obtained from pomegranate juice, compared with arthritis, because degradation is inhibited della cartilagine e viene preservata la funzionalità e l’integrità dell’articolazione.