Friday, July 31, 2009

Dream Card My Sims Kingdom

Point Plan houses, apartments are almost ready Cese

Point Plan Houses, apartments are almost ready Cese
's a race against time that the construction of the CASE plan, if you want to keep the promise made by the Government and Civil Defence to deliver later this year to suffer from mid-September, a home at least 12 thousand displaced people. So let us review the situation.

I have yet to work sites Coppito Arischia, Roio, GIGN, Paganica2, Assergi.

plates and seismic work undertaken in some cases have already been placed in St. Anthony, Collebrincioni, Camarda, Paganica south, Tempera.

Jobs in advanced instead Bazzano and Elijah, and especially in Cese Preturo, which is currently the flagship of the CASE plan. Here the work entrusted to the South Tyrolean company Wolf Haus, and ETS Orceana Cstruzioni and Engineering, started on 11 July, and already the first 100 apartments are nearly ready and in September will be the first to be delivered to key in his hands. In yesterday's close Sassa Wolf Haus workers have begun work for 200 apartments on the first day and the walls were laid for the first 25 homes. In addition to the timing of these sites have a more certain value than others: the flats of wood that grow very eyes are the energy class''A''and made it according to advanced standards of green building. Allow that energy savings up to 90%, and a special thanks Megawand multilayer insulated wall, with an hour of heating at 22 °, the temperature remains unchanged for nine hours. In the interview

service to the Director of Haus Wolf, Kurt Schoepfer.

29/07/2009 13:53

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A Cese Preturo the futuristic apartments Haus Wolf

A Cese Preturo the futuristic apartments Haus Wolf

We visited the site of Cese Preturo, Dov ' work the company is high-Adige Wolfhouse for the construction of earthquake-resistant homes to house quake victims.

Interviews: Kurt

Schoepfer - Head Case Wolf Haus
Pierre Zola - Construction Orceana
Luca Begnis - ETS Engineering

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Waxing In Sugar Land Tx

The watermelon or watermelon belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae is an annual herbaceous plant has a creeping stems, hairy, branched, with large leaves, the petiole rather broad. The pulp
that contains the seeds is juicy and sweet, is made up of 90% water, in fact, the more watery watermelon is the fruit of all, contains an 8% sugar, a small amount of protein and contains good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium .
According to research conducted at Texas A & M University and to the research commissioned by the USDA, the U.S. State Department on Agriculture watermelon consumption has a positive effect against angina, 's hypertension and other cardiovascular problems and also performs a sort of watermelon viagra effects.
Precisely because of its composition, watermelon is a fruit of very low calorie and is suitable for summer season for its thirst quenching ability.

In addition, to make matters worse, the watermelon is a great help to the diet: ideal for diuresis , this fruit has a good action to change the water in our body. In addition to
consumed alone, the watermelon is well suited to dishes such as summer salads, in combination with tomatoes, carrots, spinach, onions, lettuce and radishes.
Excellent ice cream, cakes, drinks, jams and salads, watermelon can also be used in cosmetics: the pulp, in fact, is ideal for preparing masks idratanti e con il suo succo si preparano lozioni utili ad ammorbidire la pelle.

Monday, July 13, 2009

How Does A Dishwasher Make Light

Watermelon lip augmentation

Le labbra tendono ad appiattirsi e ad assottigliarsi con l'età e a perdere la loro pienezza e carnosità giovanili.
L'entità di questa involuzione dipende in ampia misura da fattori ereditari.
Per ovviare a questo inestetismo, la chirurgia estetica propone una serie di trattamenti.
In altri casi la motivazione all'intervento è di tipo puramente estetico, donne anche giovani desiderano avere labbra più tumide, più voluminose e più sporgenti.
Le tecniche piu attuali sono:

  • Il collagene (o collageno) è la principale proteina del tessuto connettivo negli animali. È la proteina più abbondante nei mammiferi. Durante i processi di invecchiamento della cute e del tessuto sottocutaneo, soprattutto per i meccanismi del fotoaging (alterazione della cute da raggi solari), le fibre collagene possono degradarsi e diminuire di numero, e i legami molecolari fra fibre collagene si indeboliscono. Il trattamento mediante iniezioni di piccoli quantitativi di questa proteina permette al medico estetico e al chirurgo plastico di ridare forma e supporto ai tessuti. Il collagene in campo medico è utilizzato oltre che nella medicina estetica anche per la realizzazione di valvole cardiache, per molti materiali di sutura and for preparation of haemostatic substances. The treatment can be done in practice. Collagen injections are performed in the clinic and the treatment lasts 10-15 minutes. Local anesthesia is not necessary, but sometimes an anesthetic cream can be used primarily to treat troublesome areas like the lips.
    Collagen is a permanent filler. This means that once injected, the product is gradually absorbed and then metabolized by the body with variable times depending on the area treated. The effect of filling and increase in volume or wrinkle reduction is immediate and lasts from 4 to 6 months, then you can repeat the treatment periodically.

  • Hyaluronic acid is one of the fundamental components of human skin and gives strength and shape retention, if indeed there is a lack of hyaluronic acid occurs a weakening of the skin and the formation of wrinkles and blemishes various . The injection of hyaluronic acid should always be done at the right depth and are important in this respect the experience, craftsmanship and the artistic sense of the aesthetic plastic surgeon or physician performing the treatment. It is always important to rely on a physician experienced in filler. Before treatment, the doctor may apply an anesthetic cream to the affected area or run a slight local anesthetic. The hyaluronic acid treatment is practiced in the clinic, and in most cases you can resume normal activities immediately. Since hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that already exists in our body, once injected into it slowly but gradually reabsorbed by the body over several months, the duration of the results, however, varies from patient to patient

  • Goretex . The use of GORE-TEX is a broad consensus in the increasingly complex surgery of lip, the lip region is currently the best indication of this material to plants in the face, for simplicity and speed of implementation and and the final result appreciably. Appropriately modeled using segments of 1 mm thick sheets you can get a volume increase of protection (or protrusion) of the red lip constitutionally thin or senile convoluted in its plumpness. After local anesthesia, in the vestibular portion of the red lip, a strip of GORE-TEX, a suitable thickness, is cut and placed as needed, after tunneling, nell'orbicolare, at the mucosal side or the skin-mucosa junction, to obtain a lip better designed, more or moderately thickened Evers. At the level of the upper lip is better to introduce segments without crossing the bow of Cupid, rather than un unico segmento indicato, invece, per il labbro inferiore. E’ importante posizionare correttamente al di sotto della mucosa labiale le due estremità dei segmenti di GORE-TEX.

Friday, July 10, 2009

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In the new team there is also a professor of English Balzani

Authentic surprises are those that emerge from the composition of the new city council that will accompany Mayor Roberto Balzani Forlì for its mandate.

Forlì, here come the Balzani

E 'ready for the new addition of Forlì, led by Roberto Balzani. Here is the executive Giancarlo Biserna, Vice Mayor (Public Works), Alberto Bellini (Environment), Emanuela Briccolani (Budget), Davide Drei (Welfare) Patrick John Leech (Culture), Maria Maltoni (business), Paul Rava (Urban), Valentina Ravaioli (Youth and Sport), Gabriella Tronconi (Education), Katia Zattoni (decentralization and participation).

no relationship with the past. No part of the previous municipal council has been confirmed. And none of the directors elected was appointed commissioner. The names are ten (two fewer than the junta Masini), five men and five women. Of the five new commissioners are members of political parties, the other five do not. I have three university professors, the mayor become four. "Many of you imagined that this could not happen, but it happened with the consensus of political forces and the PD: has completed a political laboratory, "says Balza.

Among the many new faces the only false note is the appointment of Biserna it collects on the tip of the partition!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Air Walker Good For Buttocks


Promotion and Tourism, the company tied in glove with Forlì Ridolfi Airport managed by Seaf we had already spoken in general terms and indirect, in other posts on this blog:

in chastity the untouchables also the former mayor of Castrocaro

parked by valet


per completezza di informazione inseriamo anche alcuni link tratti dalla stampa sul web:

Forlì, l'aeroporto perde il suo 'braccio commerciale': addio a Promozione Turismo

Forlì, aeroporto. E' ufficiale: "Promozione e turismo" in liquidazione

di seguito i link di ciò che si trova sul sito del Comune di Forlì (evidentemente non aggiornato, forse perché ormai Promozione e Turismo è un cancro da evitare):
con Attachments: Budget 2007

Report Supervisory Board - Annual Report 2007

Moreover, we find, again in the website of the Municipality of Forlì as follows: Resolution no
  • 25 plant engineering 'CITY COUNCIL Meeting of February 23, 2009
on page 10 reads:

pA Registered Office: Forlì, Via Fontanelle, No. 60
Date established: 2005 / 04/2004 28/05/2004
Start participation
Capital Equity
€ 695,474.00 € 364,039.00
Fee 51.24%
E 'being the liquidation of the Company's objects

The Company's purpose is the development and promotion of the territories of Romagna and those adjoining, including efforts aimed at development of Forlì airport.
To achieve this aim, the company may, including but not limited to, conduct:
- the development, management and trade promotion and marketing of Forlì airport system - the treatment of trade relations and relations with national tour operators and abroad through integration with hoteliers, transport companies people, governments, institutions and associations to promote tourism category - the management, integration and development of synergies and relationships with domestic and foreign airlines, as well as undertaking related agency services and promotion of fostering the establishment, strengthening and increasing transportation and air links including ancillary services on inter-related, such as public transport and individual management and parking areas serving the functional - the care and management of bookings, sales and distribution of tourism products (travel agency) on behalf of Network domestic and foreign, and the development and ownership of direct relationships with professional traders in the tourism sector and passenger transport; - Development and management of activities oriented to the sale for its own account or for third parties advertising, promotional services, merchandising and other forms of sale of goods or services connected to the corporate purpose.

Conditions for continued participation in: the Extraordinary of December 17 was determined by the closure of the company, be exhausted corporate purpose, as the functions of promoting tourism have been summed up by the management company. The City Council, by Resolution No. 109 of 09.12.2008, provides for the holding of extraordinary general meeting 17/12/2008, with an indication of approve the liquidation of the company. Reasons of regulatory

: Development of the territory and, in particular, the development, management and trade promotion and marketing of Forlì airport system.

Reasons for creation / participation of a strategic nature: On March 4, 2004 was founded the company "TOURISM PROMOTION Srl", which the Municipality of Forlì joined on 5.28.2004, in fulfillment of resolution of the Board n . 36 of 04.05.2004. It was considered that, through the successful establishment of the new entity and the actual start of its operation, which combines and integrates the functions traditionally performed by the Company SEAF - SpA, could further strengthen the process of development of the structure Forlì Airport. "

then this link is also updated:
with attachments:
(worth it to open a parenthesis here on companies and consortia by the Municipality of Forlì - so much to look)

Back Links because it is news today (apparently just published by the Corriere di Romagna) the arbitration award of 30 June between the U.S. and Icelandic society Jetx Promotion and Tourism, which ended with negative results for society Forlì ( have to pay a another million € - from Il Resto del Carlino online October 16, 2008 - Forlì airport: new tile from € 1.1 million - site of October 16, 2008).

The story has clearly triggered the political discontent that will impact on the future management of the company by the Municipality of Forlì (see some examples in this regard: Forlì Airport - Errors serious and yet they are always the same! We shall return to

because we are trying to find additional documentation such as:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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"Scatta alle Terme" concorso fotografico indetto dal Grand Hotel Terme di Castrocaro

I dati ufficiali che la Provincia di Forlì-Cesena dichiara per Castrocaro fanno emergere una tendenza positiva nei flussi turistici per il periodo gennaio-giugno 2009:
+ 14,35 % di arrivi e + 5,91 di presenze

La cosa è interessante perché anche il trend 2008 sul 2009 era stato di crescita (contenuta ma costante) positiva.

Questo dovrebbe dimostrare che la crisi economica in Italia non esiste perché se aumentano i turisti-termali a Castrocaro significa proprio che ci stiamo fasciando the head for nothing!

The curious thing is that tourists in hotels until a few weeks ago this has not been seen!

The hotels are virtually closed and some have only recently opened the door and we have seen occasional stranger around the country!

The photographic competition launched by the Grand Hotel is the newest creative in order of time in the spa town and the success dell'inziativa could confirm the positive trend in tourism course. The penultimate

news had been to free entry to the spa park !

The news report stated that "' novità dell'apertura gratuita del Parco ( di proprietà privata ), dal lunedì al sabato dalle 7,30 alle 20, la domenica dalle 9,30 alle 20.»

Si direbbe che la novità maggiore sia questa fra parentesi dato che il patrimonio immobiliare delle terme di Castrocaro è di proprietà pubblica (51%) e quindi non privata!

Ma si sa ... ciò che è del popolo è del Principe!

2008 318