Promotion and Tourism, the company tied in glove with Forlì Ridolfi Airport managed by Seaf we had already spoken in general terms and indirect, in other posts on this blog:
in chastity the untouchables also the former mayor of Castrocaro
parked by valet
per completezza di informazione inseriamo anche alcuni link tratti dalla stampa sul web:Forlì, l'aeroporto perde il suo 'braccio commerciale': addio a Promozione Turismo
Forlì, aeroporto. E' ufficiale: "Promozione e turismo" in liquidazione
di seguito i link di ciò che si trova sul sito del Comune di Forlì (evidentemente non aggiornato, forse perché ormai Promozione e Turismo è un cancro da evitare):con Attachments: Budget 2007
Report Supervisory Board - Annual Report 2007
Moreover, we find, again in the website of the Municipality of Forlì as follows: Resolution no
- 25 plant engineering 'CITY COUNCIL Meeting of February 23, 2009
pA Registered Office: Forlì, Via Fontanelle, No. 60
Date established: 2005 / 04/2004 28/05/2004
Start participation
Capital Equity
€ 695,474.00 € 364,039.00
Fee 51.24%
E 'being the liquidation of the Company's objects
The Company's purpose is the development and promotion of the territories of Romagna and those adjoining, including efforts aimed at development of Forlì airport.
To achieve this aim, the company may, including but not limited to, conduct:
- the development, management and trade promotion and marketing of Forlì airport system - the treatment of trade relations and relations with national tour operators and abroad through integration with hoteliers, transport companies people, governments, institutions and associations to promote tourism category - the management, integration and development of synergies and relationships with domestic and foreign airlines, as well as undertaking related agency services and promotion of fostering the establishment, strengthening and increasing transportation and air links including ancillary services on inter-related, such as public transport and individual management and parking areas serving the functional - the care and management of bookings, sales and distribution of tourism products (travel agency) on behalf of Network domestic and foreign, and the development and ownership of direct relationships with professional traders in the tourism sector and passenger transport; - Development and management of activities oriented to the sale for its own account or for third parties advertising, promotional services, merchandising and other forms of sale of goods or services connected to the corporate purpose.
Conditions for continued participation in: the Extraordinary of December 17 was determined by the closure of the company, be exhausted corporate purpose, as the functions of promoting tourism have been summed up by the management company. The City Council, by Resolution No. 109 of 09.12.2008, provides for the holding of extraordinary general meeting 17/12/2008, with an indication of approve the liquidation of the company. Reasons of regulatory
: Development of the territory and, in particular, the development, management and trade promotion and marketing of Forlì airport system.
Reasons for creation / participation of a strategic nature: On March 4, 2004 was founded the company "TOURISM PROMOTION Srl", which the Municipality of Forlì joined on 5.28.2004, in fulfillment of resolution of the Board n . 36 of 04.05.2004. It was considered that, through the successful establishment of the new entity and the actual start of its operation, which combines and integrates the functions traditionally performed by the Company SEAF - SpA, could further strengthen the process of development of the structure Forlì Airport. "
then this link is also updated:
with attachments:
(worth it to open a parenthesis here on companies and consortia by the Municipality of Forlì - so much to look)
Back Links because it is news today (apparently just published by the Corriere di Romagna) the arbitration award of 30 June between the U.S. and Icelandic society Jetx Promotion and Tourism, which ended with negative results for society Forlì ( have to pay a another million € - from Il Resto del Carlino online October 16, 2008 - Forlì airport: new tile from € 1.1 million - site of October 16, 2008).
The story has clearly triggered the political discontent that will impact on the future management of the company by the Municipality of Forlì (see some examples in this regard: Forlì Airport - Errors serious and yet they are always the same! We shall return to
because we are trying to find additional documentation such as:
2008 | 318 |
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