The watermelon or watermelon belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae is an annual herbaceous plant has a creeping stems, hairy, branched, with large leaves, the petiole rather broad. The pulp
that contains the seeds is juicy and sweet, is made up of 90% water, in fact, the more watery watermelon is the fruit of all, contains an 8% sugar, a small amount of protein and contains good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium .
According to research conducted at Texas A & M University and to the research commissioned by the USDA, the U.S. State Department on Agriculture watermelon consumption has a positive effect against angina, 's hypertension and other cardiovascular problems and also performs a sort of watermelon viagra effects.
Precisely because of its composition, watermelon is a fruit of very low calorie and is suitable for summer season for its thirst quenching ability.
that contains the seeds is juicy and sweet, is made up of 90% water, in fact, the more watery watermelon is the fruit of all, contains an 8% sugar, a small amount of protein and contains good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium .
According to research conducted at Texas A & M University and to the research commissioned by the USDA, the U.S. State Department on Agriculture watermelon consumption has a positive effect against angina, 's hypertension and other cardiovascular problems and also performs a sort of watermelon viagra effects.
Precisely because of its composition, watermelon is a fruit of very low calorie and is suitable for summer season for its thirst quenching ability.
In addition, to make matters worse, the watermelon is a great help to the diet: ideal for diuresis , this fruit has a good action to change the water in our body. In addition to
consumed alone, the watermelon is well suited to dishes such as summer salads, in combination with tomatoes, carrots, spinach, onions, lettuce and radishes.
Excellent ice cream, cakes, drinks, jams and salads, watermelon can also be used in cosmetics: the pulp, in fact, is ideal for preparing masks idratanti e con il suo succo si preparano lozioni utili ad ammorbidire la pelle.
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