Sage The sage, which belongs to the family of Labiatae , looks like an evergreen shrub: it has an erect stem that can reach a maximum of 70 cm and the leaves have a characteristic shape (they look like small boats, long and slender enough) and are quite thick and hard. The flowers of the sage, a color ranging from blue to purple, usually appear in spring, preferring the sun, despite you can also find it rather hard climates. It is usually found in Mediterranean areas and in cultivated gardens and is very difficult to recognize in the wild. His "cycle" takes about 5 years, after which it is planted again. The plant has been known since ancient times for its healing properties , which explains its name from "Salvus" which means "healthy." The Gauls, in particular, believed that the sage had the ability to heal all disease and act effectively on the "deterrent" against fever and cough. Some even believed it had the power to resurrect the dead and this was also used in the preparation of magical rites. The Romans considered it a sacred plant so that there was a real ritual for the collection (which belonged to a select few), who had to wear a dress even after making sacrifices. The Chinese believed that the sage was able to give our longevity: in the seventeenth century, a bowl of sage leaves was exchanged by the Dutch merchants with three baskets of tea. In folk medicine, in the Middle Ages, was used as healing wounds and wounds difficult to heal.
The therapeutic properties of sage Della salvia sono particolarmente note le sue proprietà antinfiammatorie, balsamiche, digestive ed espettoranti. Essa inoltre è in grado di curare le sindromi mestruali dolorose e i disturbi della menopausa (in particolare quel fastidioso disturbo chiamato “caldane”: per questo viene anche chiamata “estrogeno naturale”). Offre una buona risposta contro la ritenzione idrica, gli edemi, i reumatismi e le emicranie ed è anche indicata nelle gengiviti e gli ascessi.
È un “deterrente” del diabete e accelera il processo di cicatrizzazione dopo una ferita.
Principi attivi: olio essenziale (costituito principalmente da borneolo, canfora, cineole and thujone) tannins, saponosidi and choline, the possible presence of estrogenosimili, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, B and C. viamine
- cholagogue
- balsamic
- aromatic digestive tonic
- antiperspirants
- hypoglycemic
- lattifuga
- antiseptic expectorant
- antiinflammatory
- emmenagogue
properties Medical
sage Sage is a stimulant of the body, it is helpful during the menstrual cycle and fights the states of astenia e depressione. È particolarmente indicata in caso di esaurimento fisico o intellettuale, ma non solo: è molto benefica per il cervello e aiuta la memoria. Alcuni antichi medici cinesi la utilizzavano anche per curare l’insonnia. È anche un gastroprotettore poiché ha un’azione antispasmodica ed è utile nel diabete perché riduce la glicemia. Viene riconosciuta alla pianta anche un’azione estrogena che agisce efficacemente come anti–sudore. Spesso viene anche utilizzata come rimedio per digerire e, se conservata opportunamente, “salva” i cibi dal deperimento.
La salvia in cosmesi
Molti dentifrici sono a base di salvia; in assenza del prodotto preparato you can simply rub your teeth with a fresh leaf to obtain a bleaching effect. An infusion of sage can give back to the dark hair and lotions made with sage cleanse the skin. To prepare a tonic astringent sage need 4 tablespoons of dried sage and ethyl alcohol, a pinch of borax, 3 tablespoons of witch hazel and 10 drops of glycerin. After the sage macerate in alcohol for two weeks, you must filter the substance obtained, dissolve the borax nell'amamelide and add alcohol. After joining the glycerin and pours it into a bottle cap with a vacuum. Before using the preparation, will shake the container well. How is
: in infusion, in decoction, in macerated, in any way the sage is a great help.
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