Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Launch Bat From Python

Seasonal vegetables

is rare is not recommended to consume vegetables. Why are they so important? First of all the vitamins and minerals, then the fibers, especially for those who must come to terms with a reduced diet. In fact, forced to correct a bite, give a sense of satiety and regulate the rate of absorption of some nutrients, especially sugars (both simple and complex) and fats. Beware the condiments!
  • Broccoli : Only 28 calories for this crop that has a high concentration of vitamin C, potassium and other substances that would antidegenerative capacity. Some examples? For people with diabetes are a panacea. And even those who have skin problems has reason to thank him. Moreover, a study conducted on humans in China, reveals that the consumption of these vegetables can 'help the body eliminate toxins cause cancer. Action 'detox' that can 'reduce the risk of developing liver cancer
  • Cauliflower : Rich in vitamins, minerals, antibacterial qualities and more, cauliflower is a vegetable essential garden. Depending on the variety (white cauliflower, green, purple), the cabbage has a different color and taste very special. But in all cases it is always appropriate to diets rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and copper, vitamins and amino acids. The beneficial properties of cauliflower to health are many. It is naturally rich in minerals, folic acid, fiber, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C (fresh, as it contains oranges) and vitamin B9, is necessary for cell multiplication and renewal. It has active antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiscorbuto, purifying, mineralizing and benefits for the regeneration of tissues. Cauliflower is also indicated in cases of diabetes because it contains no gluten (it is also suitable for celiacs). Some U.S. studies prevents colon cancer el 'and ulcer care' s anemia. E 'contraindicated in cases of hypothyroidism (contains substances that slow down the work of the thyroid)
  • Artichoke: It' s a real concentration of beneficial substances: the cynarin which gives the bitter taste is considered a tonic for the liver and a controller biliary tract. Without forgetting its diuretic and "ingredients" as precious as calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin A. Even for this vegetable calories are low: 23 per 100 grams. is a vegetable rich in water, almost completely devoid of fat with a moderate content of protein and a small amount of sugar. However, it is particularly rich in fiber that performs important functions: it increases the feeling of satiety, improves intestinal function. Finally, it is useful for reducing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In fact, dietary fiber modulates the absorption of sugar by avoiding a too high peak blood sugar after a meal and reduces the values \u200b\u200bof blood cholesterol through different biological mechanisms. The artichoke is also an excellent source of potassium and its vitamin content is low and is almost completely destroyed by cooking. It also contains small amounts of "cynarin", an active ingredient that promotes the secretion of bile and diuresis. But is inactivated by cooking, because that is the raw artichoke has a long tradition in the treatment of many disorders of the liver. Also provided by the inulin improves digestive function and modulates the uptake of glucose by reducing the rise in blood sugar after a meal.
  • Fennel . Fennel is first and foremost a good ally to purify and eliminate toxins. Lightweight and low in calories, fat and starch as well as free, rich in essential oils, it is useful in slimming diets. Strongly diuretic is particularly recommended for hypertension. In addition, this vegetable is exceptionally interesting for breastfeeding mothers because it gives breast milk tastes very sweet and pleasing to babies, as well as provide anti colic and digestive properties.


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