a succulent plant is a perennial shrub, up to 1 m. high
The aloe plant is known for its many properties in many parts of the world.
beginning of our era, its use has always been the same, used in Asia, America, Africa or in Europe on a small island lost in the ocean, its use is been constant in history. It was also the era in which communication between people was little or nothing developed. Very well known by the Sumerians, in some clay tablets dated around 1750 years BC, reported its therapeutic uses in folk medicine. Among the ruins of ancient Egypt were found in the writings referred to its use in the field of religion and magic. In the book of Egyptian medicine, the book written in about 1550 BC describes all remedies and cosmetics used by that civilization.
Christopher Columbus had named the vessel in the medicinal aloe
beginning of our era, its use has always been the same, used in Asia, America, Africa or in Europe on a small island lost in the ocean, its use is been constant in history. It was also the era in which communication between people was little or nothing developed. Very well known by the Sumerians, in some clay tablets dated around 1750 years BC, reported its therapeutic uses in folk medicine. Among the ruins of ancient Egypt were found in the writings referred to its use in the field of religion and magic. In the book of Egyptian medicine, the book written in about 1550 BC describes all remedies and cosmetics used by that civilization.
medicinal properties:
- Regenerating : stimulates the growth of the 'epithelium in the wounds;
- Energizing : increases energy level, giving a general welfare to the whole body;
- proteolytic and healing : dissolves and absorbs the dead cells or enzymatically damaged by stimulating the regeneration process;
- antiinflammatory : accompanies and helps to overcome the inflammatory process;
- antipyretic : relieves burning from sunburn, inflammation and fever;
- humectant: it is moisturizing, helping to water retention in the tissues of the skin;
- analgesic : relieves pain, even in depth;
- Fungicide : hinders growth of fungi;
- virostatics : hinders growth of the virus;
- Bacteriostatic: inhibits the growth of bacteria;
- hemostasis: it reduces the bleeding lesions;
- antipruritic : relieves the itching,
- Detoxifying : helps detoxify the body from impurities, toxins, anti-tumor properties
According to one of the most successful American nutritionists, Dr. Bruce Hedendal, dell'Hedendal Chiropratic and Nutrition Center, the key to power of aloe vera is its rich content of a class of long chain sugars known as mucopolysaccharides (MPS). He believes that the MPS are essential to the body like bricks for a house.
normally found in every cell of our body, we can manufacture them alone in the first decade of our lives. As a result, we must rely on outside sources and a few plants are a richer source of aloe vera.
But what do these mps? Why is it important in our body?
probably acts as a lubricant for our joints, covering the colon, avoiding the riassorbimento delle materie di scarto tossiche e inoltre, tra gli svariati altri benefici, formano una barriera contro le invasioni microbiche delle nostre cellule. Tutti però sono d’accordo nell’attribuire le proprietà dell’Aloe Vera non a un singolo principio attivo contenuto nella pianta, ma che sia l’effetto sinergico della pianta in toto a stimolare alcuni meccanismi naturali, già presenti nel nostro organismo, e magari indeboliti per diversi motivi.
normally found in every cell of our body, we can manufacture them alone in the first decade of our lives. As a result, we must rely on outside sources and a few plants are a richer source of aloe vera.
But what do these mps? Why is it important in our body?
probably acts as a lubricant for our joints, covering the colon, avoiding the riassorbimento delle materie di scarto tossiche e inoltre, tra gli svariati altri benefici, formano una barriera contro le invasioni microbiche delle nostre cellule. Tutti però sono d’accordo nell’attribuire le proprietà dell’Aloe Vera non a un singolo principio attivo contenuto nella pianta, ma che sia l’effetto sinergico della pianta in toto a stimolare alcuni meccanismi naturali, già presenti nel nostro organismo, e magari indeboliti per diversi motivi.
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