The storage of goods is called the static phase logistics.
It occurs within stores storage, or where it is expected that the goods have this for a long period, ie where there is stock of goods. It is not in this case the warehouse of transit (transit point ), where the goods are not to lie for a long time: in fact it is designed to receive, sort, consolidate, and reload the goods in a short period of time.
In the case of transit points, therefore, does not require any special facilities for the keeping of goods in the case of warehouses should instead study and design specific structures for the planting of goods. These structures vary depending on the type of goods to be stored (typically in terms of weight and volume), as well as the practical necessities to the warehouse (for example, an index of accessibility to goods, frequency of access, presence of special handling equipment, etc.).
We see the different types of storage facilities, indicating the most appropriate use.
pallet racking
It 's the ideal place to manage palletized goods with high amounts of references product. Easy to manage, cheaper to install and maintain, is the most frequent, providing an excellent meeting point between performance and cost. The strengths are the operational flexibility of use and l’indice di accessibilità massimo (tutta la merce è accessibile senza doverne movimentare altra). Richiede l’utilizzo di carrelli elevatori frontali o a montante retrattile.
Scaffalature drive-in
Questo tipo di scaffalatura è la migliore soluzione per lo stoccaggio di merce pallettizzata omogenea per codice a lenta rotazione, secondo la logica di gestione stock LIFO (Last In First Out). Consente uno sfruttamento specifico dello spazio al massimo livello , garantendo d’altra parte una accessibilità massima per codice di prodotto, anche se limitata per unità di movimentazione (handling unit). Richiede l’utilizzo di carrelli elevatori frontali.
Shelving gravity
is the facility to better manage automatic rotation of units for homogeneous goods per item according to the logic of management stock FIFO (First In First Out). E 'consists of a shelf similar to that used in the drive-in lanes with the sliding roller, during the insertion of the load to the extraction point of the load. In this way the supply of new merchandise is always first, and removal from the opposite side, while the pallets are slowed down by mechanical scroll down the aisles. There is also
the variant FIFO stock management, called push-back .
We will see in the second part structures with moving parts used for the partial or total movement of cargo units.
Good logistics!