Analizzare un sistema logistico serve per trovare aree di miglioramento del servizio o di ottimizzazione dei costi.
Per condurne l’analisi è necessario definire il tipo di sistema : la logistica può essere percorsa nelle due direzioni, ed essere quindi una logistica distributiva , oppure di una logistica di ritorno ( reverse logistic ).
Inoltre, la rete logistica può essere strutturata secondo due differenti modelli, alternativi: si può avere una rete logistica centralizzata, oppure una rete logistica distribuita.
Affronteremo questa distinzione nella seconda parte del post.
Vediamo più nel dettaglio le differenze tra le due direzioni della logistica: logistica distributiva e logistica di ritorno.
Logistica distributiva
Distribuisce le merci dal produttore al consumatore.
Include le fasi di:
- approvvigionamento dei prodotti dai produttori;
- lavorazione della merce in magazzino (Adding value to goods by picking, kitting, packaging, rework several);
- delivery to the sales network (directly or through to the final destination of the points of transit - transit point - the area).
drivers the most important service of the ascending branch of the logistics are represented by completeness and punctuality of deliveries .
The completeness and accuracy of deliveries to ensure different stages in the distribution of errors and therefore the compliance of items and quantities required by the downstream stages.
The on-time delivery ensures that the correct items and quantities arrive at their destination at the right time.
The level of service is so well measured by these standards of quality.
reverse logistics or reverse logistics
The descending branch of the logistics involved to recover the returns (unsold) from the sales network, and to treat them to recover value for the company.
typically includes the following phases:
- recovery and concentration in a single warehouse processing (during collection and transport);
- check for consistency between declared and made made effective: this is because the sellers may have advantages Statements made in larger quantities of the actual, to supply the "black market";
- replacement, following the check and any other work, the distribution network (in the form of promotions or discounts) or through a third party.
So in this branch the most important parameter logistic is related to quality control . Besides the ability to work should allow the market attractive again to make a product that already has remained unsold for the first time.
We'll post the second part of the distinction between centralized logistics and logistics distribution.
Good logistics!
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