logistics can then be made according to different patterns, which are traced back to two basic concepts: the logistics network centralized and distributed logistics network.
These models differ in their basic structure, and the different location of the investments and costs. We see them in more detail.
The centralized network
It is based on the existence of a single stock (usually called Cedis, or Distribution Center), which does all of the activities of handling of goods, excluding transportation. So it
- receives all of the goods which will then be distributed to stores or to final customers;
- It kept them in storage;
- provides for the processing of goods (quality control, collection, packaging, kitting - ie construction of multi-product kit or packaging such as boxes, collections, etc., according to business needs);
- ensure the dispatch of the goods loaded on vehicles at the start.
destinations of shipments may be end customers, or outlets, as owned stores, a franchise network, or "retail stores (ie multi-brand retail stores).
In the case of the single centralized network storage existing transport network requires a very effective . In fact, the lesser extent of warehouses on the territory increases the performance required of the transport service. It infatti deve ovviare alle maggiori distanze esistenti tra il magazzino di partenza e il punto di consegna finale della merce. Di conseguenza, con una rete centralizzata, hanno maggiore incidenza gli investimenti e i costi di trasporto, e minore quelle legate al magazzinaggio e ai costi di tenuta delle scorte.
La rete distribuita
Essa prevede la presenza di più magazzini , in coordinamento reciproco, che servono la rete commerciale.
Spesso può esistere una gerarchia tra diversi magazzini , che ne fa prevalere uno sugli altri, ma nella sostanza, la presenza di stock di merci su tutti i magazzini, mantiene tali reti nella categoria della logistica su rete distribuita.
Questo case is unusual in reverse logistics, which is usually under a single stock return, often due to reduced volumes associated with this type of logistics, many more stores that do not justify.
In the case of distributed network, each warehouse is self provisioning, storage, processing and shipping of products in the geographic area within its jurisdiction. This allows for the availability of the product closest to the site of end use, and be charged with less phase of transport.
In case of existence of transit points, which occur only sorting the goods, without the constant presence of stocks of goods, la rete non è di tipo distribuito, ma centralizzato.
Dunque la differenza tra le due risiede nel fatto che, nella rete centralizzata lo stock di merci è concentrato nel CeDis, in quella distribuita è spalmata sui magazzini territoriali (primari o secondari).
Buona logistica!
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