In this post I will address the issue of the decision to award a specialist in the provision of logistics services .
The logistic service storage and distribution can be done by a company, with its structures and instruments, and then we talk about logistics insourcing, or through the services provided by a qualified operator logsistico, and then we talk about logistics outsourcing.
What are the pros and cons of each choice? We saw earlier that the decision "political" to apply or not to a logistics operator usually competes at top management, and is intended as a real choice: on one hand the total autonomy on the other hand the dependence on a third party. In any case, one of discriminatory decisions that drive in either direction is always that of logistics costs.
In relation to this economic aspect of logistics management, assuming equal conditions with the quality and timeliness of the service, the company management often apply an equation so elementary as wrong: There is a tendency to think that in any case, addressing a specialized operator, unit costs for the provision of logistics services are less.
This is not necessarily true, as the different conditions of allocation of resources could generate a unit cost in case of outsourcing, not less. In fact, the real advantage of custody to a third party logistics ridizione is not in some of the costs, but in a secure them VARIABILIZZAZIONE .
This is a key point: it should be clear that having a cost rate for the quantity of goods than to have some internal fixed costs (which probably at one time may not seem like much less) basically allows the following advantages:
- download the third il rischio di calo dei volumi (e l'attuale congiuntura deve esserne di esempio)
- scaricare anche, all'opposto, il "rischio" di un'esplosione dei volumi : l'operatore dovrà essere in grado di supportarlo, senza che il committente debba fare costosi investimenti in infrastrutture e organizzazione
- rendere i costi logistici perfettamente budgettabili : infatti, conoscendo il costo della tariffa, diventa semplice applicarlo ai budget di vendite
- rendere i costi logistici perfettamente individuabili : spesso nelle aziende non si riesce ad avere la percezione precisa del perimetro logistico; nel caso di un contratto di outsourcing, essi are easily identified on its contract business.
We shall return later on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing logistics.
Good logistics!
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