Thursday, August 12, 2010

Work Right Shower Door Problems

Industrial Logistics and Supply Chain Logistics Outsourcing

Molto spesso accade che si confondano tra loro due elementi che solo apparentemente sono identici. Parliamo di due visioni differenti della logistica, ossia di Logistica industriale e di Supply Chain .

Questi due elementi dell'azienda si riferiscono in realtà a differenti perimetri di attività, per i quali la Logistica industriale fa parte della Supply Chain . E' opportuno quindi distinguere gli ambiti di queste due materie, per evitare di incorrere nell'errore di confonderle.

Vediamo quindi le due definizioni corrette.

La Logistica industriale si può sintetizzare in the range of activities, operational, managerial and organizational, which belong essentially to the warehouse management (most recently defined by the English word warehousing). So deepens, and aims to better manage industrial space for the storage of goods, facilities and systems dedicated to the discharge of the goods and their storage, equipment and tools necessary to manage the cycle of the goods internal to ' company. Thus receipt of vehicles, storage, order picking, and shipping of goods.
It is therefore to manage the operational aspects of warehouse logistics , that interface to upstream and downstream with the other phases of the logistics process.

The Supply Chain deals rather than managing this wider scope of its activities related to the business cycle of goods, from their purchase to arrive at emrci delivery to end customers. Therefore, fall within this activity:

- the management of supply (ie integrating or absorbing the Purchasing Department)
- management of inbound transportation (ie the arrival of supplies of raw materials or finished products from manufacturers and / or contractors)
- the operational management of warehousing (overriding the Logistics industrial storage and construction orders)
- the management of the final distribution, or outbound transport (delivery to end customers, or retailers or resellers)
- the management of returns (for unsold or down the customer's part which is identified in some cases with the CRM - Customer Relationship Management - in the aftermarket, integrating with sales office and sales).

It 'so clear as the Supply Chain can coincide in some types of firms (for example in the areas of trade, distribution or services) with the actual Operations Department.

again go deep into this topic.



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