Thursday, November 26, 2009

White Tongue And Liver


Monday, November 16, 2009

Four Winds Motorhomes

Piazza beautiful square ... looking for a permanent center of gravity X

Castrocaro Earth and the Sun are two places in the City Council that several decades are constantly looking for "a permanent center of gravity."
That lack of a square that is worthy of that role!
Square or Agora is one of the most important in the path of an urban community is the place of meeting and exchange of socio-cultural citizens, the center of economic trade and social relations! The deputy
place par excellence to accommodate every aspect of city life, from civil to religious festivals, markets but also open-air theater, space for recreation.
The urban square is the invention of democracy, the place of sociability and dialogue between different generations and populations, site of town meetings and political debates.
Over the past decades in this town squares have become parking lots and parking places!

start from the ground that the Sun has a square in Renaissance style!

planned urban space.
A "parade" at the center of the city-fortress.
a "center of gravity" onto which the buildings of the power and where it is held for centuries throughout the city life.
symbolic place and physical place!
real space of centrality and balance urban and social! Today
become the temporary resting place per le automobili di avventori temporanei dei pochi pubblici esercizi che vi si affacciano o che vi gravitano nelle sue vicinanze!

Si dice che questo sia il prezzo da pagare alla modernità e ai cittadini, residenti o ospiti, non resta che prenderne atto e accontentarsi!

D'altronde ormai la socialità si svolge nel chiuso delle proprie abitazioni seduti e in silenzio davanti a un televisore o nel migliore dei casi sulla piazza virtuale del web.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby Born In Water Swims



13/11/2009 - 13:13 (IRIS) - ROMA, 13 NOV - "It amazes me that the Honourable Minister Silvio Berlusconi has not yet followed the example of some of his parliamentary majority who have proposed and tested immediately on drugs" Silvi Viale, president of Radical Adelaide Aglietta, at the congress of the Radical Party, urged the prime minister to undergo narcotest. "In recent months, there was much talk of sexual relationships of our impromptu President, with controversy about prostitution and more, but it is a bit 'glissando on the alleged presence of cocaine at his parties" says Viale. "Unlike the case of Marrazzo, when it comes to cocaine parties in Berlusconi offered no test for parliamentarians, ma mi sorprende che Berlusconi non abbia ritenuto di doverlo fare o almeno di commentarlo. Non vorrei che Gasparri, Alemanno & Co. avessero erroneamente pensato che la chioma di Berlusconi non fosse idonea al test, dimenticandosi della prorompente virilità del nostro Presidente a cui dovrebbe corrispondere una foresta pilifera adeguata" conclude.

In effetti leggendo questi articoli qualche dubbio che il legame "Berlusconi-Tarantini- escort-cocaina" possa esserci ...

L’estate di Tarantini :
«Droga e affari nella mia villa»

I verbali: in Sardegna con cocaina nella cassaforte

Tarantini: ecco my system
Escort and drugs, all in five interrogation

Tarantini: Prime Minister and those 30 girls Eighteen evenings and 1000 € to those who remained

Here are the minutes of Tarantino
"in Thousand € those who stayed the night "

Tarantini: This provides escort to Berlusconi
Refunds or 1000 € to provide

Escort cocaine and arrested the farmer

Tarantini Tarantini The Inquiry pm speed up drug and escort

Tarantini: I brought 30 girls to Berlusconi

Good Christian Phrase For Happy Birthday


The cucumber is not just a simple vegetable, but it has proved a good ally for the general health of the organism. In fact, it contains an important substance predominant tartaric acid .
Why is it so important to this acid? Because it prevents carbohydrate food, put in our bodies to turn into fat, which is why dieticians recommend the consumption of cucumber in the diets and all those who want to keep your weight under control.
specialists even suggest eating it combined with the bread to fully enhance its effectiveness as a dietary product highly. It also has very few calories is a good diuretic and a good detox. How to eat cucumber

the cucumber is usually eaten raw, cut into thin slices, but can also be eaten cooked. When is still small and, therefore, particularly wheat, can be used for storing oil, vinegar or sottosale. Since it is difficult to digest, some suggest slicing the day before serving and then sprinkle with a little 'salt and allow to dry on an inclined plane. Others believe that it is necessary to be able to digest consumed immediately after cutting.

Cucumbers are rich in water, for this reason they are considered the most refreshing and cleansing. This feature is very important for the activity of our kidneys. They also have very few calories and are therefore molto usati nelle diete dimagranti. Contengono provitamina A, le vitamine del complesso B, la vitamina C e sono ricchi di potassio, ferro, calcio, iodio e manganese. Aiutano i reni ad eliminare i liquidi e le tossine, migliorano l’attività del fegato e del pancreas. La polpa del cetriolo viene utilizzata come diuretico e disintossicante e l’acqua e i sali minerali in esso contenuti, sono molto utili per controbilanciare i cibi acidi. Gli antichi lo utilizzavano inoltre per debellare i vermi intestinali e per abbassare la febbre. Anche per malattie come la gotta, patologia dovuta ad un accumulo eccessivo di acido urico nel sangue e nei tessuti (che fa rigonfiare gli arti), i cetrioli vengono ben utilizzati. Gli enzimi contenuti nel cetriolo aiutano the body to assimilate proteins, purify and detoxify the bowel. The same active ingredients help prevent the formation of kidney stones and bladder cancer. Eating cucumbers is regularly fights constipation. They are also very useful to make some sort of bowel and lubricate joints. They are also all known diuretic, vermifuge, emollients, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties
Cucumber for beauty
Cucumber is rich in sulfur, so it is very suitable for skin care: it is able to lighten age spots, thanks to its decongestant properties. It is also recommended by esperti dermatologi per lenire le scottature solari e se usato con continuità rappresenta una buona soluzione per “migliorare” le rughe. Tutti conoscono anche il vecchio rimedio delle nonne per combattere il gonfiore: i cetrioli sugli occhi che hanno la proprietà di ravvivare lo sguardo, ringiovanire l’aspetto della pelle intorno agli occhi stanchi e ridurre borse e occhiaie. In cosmesi, viene utilizzata la polpa per ottenere maschere per il viso rinfrescanti e idratanti, i semi invece per maschere tonificanti e rassodanti, il succo per impacchi lenitivi su pelli irritabili.. Infine per ridurre le rughe e rendere la pelle più morbida e luminosa, si può preparare un’ottima maschera facciale utilizzando un cetriolo tritato con olio d’oliva e qualche goccia di succo di limone. Questo trattamento ha azione detergente, riduce e pulisce i pori dilatati o occlusi ed è adatta anche alle pelli più sensibili che non tollerano né sapone né acque dure. L’efficacia di questo trattamento è sicuramente superiore a qualsiasi crema, sicuramente più costosa.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adrien Arpel Hairstyle

Logistics & Automation - Part

We saw earlier in this article means that the technology provides the decision maker that handles the logistics process through simulation systems and decision support.
In this second part we explore instead the opportunities for automation in operating activities of daily logistics.

Automation operational
fall into this category of tools equipment and systems that can replace humans in carrying out logistical operations, or otherwise support it, lifting it from certain tasks.
Within this group of tools we can identify the following macro-categories.

Automatic sorting : so-called sorter (sorters), which allow you to take charge, to recognize and sort different types of packages (pallets, boxes, individual items), using a software program, and a register internal tools that translate information into action (PLC - Programmable Logic Controller), these machines are able to recognize (through, for example, bar codes) products, and direct them towards the bays of pre-release.
machines are used in platforms di smistamento dei corrieri, ma anche nei magazzini distributivi e in quelli di gestione dei resi (possono procedere al riconoscimento e conteggio dei pezzi), ed hanno costi di impianto e di gestione molto elevati.

Magazzini automatici : si tratta di impianti che automatizzano tutte le attività tipiche di magazzino: messa a stock, prelievo, uscita da magazzino, e possono essere utilizzati in caso di merci standardizzate e codificate. Rappresentano il livello massimo di automazione, e di tecnologia, esistente nel settore logistico, e uniscono le tecniche di gestione e ottimizzazione della ricerca operativa (ottimizzazione dei tempi), con le tecnologie per la movimentazione di carichi pesanti con precisioni dell’ordine of millimeters to hundreds of meters of total trips.
They consist of structures, usually self-supporting, like a shelf, such as traditional warehouses, and moving parts that are responsible for carrying out the planting and picking of goods: they are the stacker, which allow the robot movements of cargo units in three dimensions, and are supervised by complex systems of photocells to assure the accuracy of the movements.

Automatic handling : These are systems that allow the handling of loading units of the warehouses. They can be auto exhaust systems of trucks, material handling systems using magnetic guide-wire Floor systems (AGVS: Automated Guided Vehicle Systems), automatic loading systems, which aim to prevent the deployment of personnel to perform mundane logistics, such as appointments loading, unloading and material handling.

At the operational level there are also tools that are placed in between the physical management and information management ; it comes to systems that allow management of WORKING Ides warehouse with the support of dedicated tools. For example, the tools to prepare orders: guns RF, RFID , Voice Systems (voice recognition systems). It
tools that speed warehouse operations, and reduce errors, but not to avoid the use of operators to perform them.

In the following we will see some of these automation technologies applied to logistics.

Good logistics!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Normal Hgb For 4 Yr Old

Logistics & Automation - Part

In this article we begin to go into the more technical logistics, considering aspects related to the management and operational tools in the logistical capacity to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its work.

A first great chapter of the technique is related to its logistics automation. In recent years the technological opportunities that have been developed for logistics are excellent, and led to put the issue of automation in activities that until a decade ago were the exclusive prerogative of the person managing the logistics, resulting in increased effectiveness and efficiency of logistics processes. In logistics

the introduction of automation can be related to two different parts of the work:
- introduction of automation in decision-making
- introduction of automation at the operational level

separate ways Let's see in where automation fits into these two distinct areas.

Automation decision

This category of operations, automation is made explicit through the introduction and use of decision support tools (called DSS, Decision Support Systems). These tools, which in practice are represented by computer programs are used for programming, simulation and deciding how to manage logistics operations to which they relate.
Within this group of instruments, depending on the type of activities they are involved in modeling, one can distinguish between different macro-categories, so they are very brief following.

Inventory Management : also known as MRP (Material Requirements Planning), automatically manage the parameters for the management of stocks (typically reorder points, and lots of cheap shopping), allowing the operator to act on stocks basic parameters of the program, which automatically generate orders for the supply, without having to analyze each case the products, their consumption, their delivery times.
Transport Management: This is the so-called heuristic algorithms, which, with a grouping mechanism of progressive gripping / delivery (the so-called clustering), shall, within a reasonable time to retry a sub-optimal solution of transport in case of sockets / deliveries from multiple starting points to multiple points of destination, it must be understood as the solution that offers the lowest overall cost of transport, not the lowest cost of each trip.

Warehouse management: the so-called WMS (Warehouse Management Systems) are systems that automate more decisions that allow you to automate the control of warehouse operations. This is made possible by real-time tools to record all stock movements, allowing the generation of dashboards provide real-time by the information system. The control panel allows the operator of this store keeping under control all the basic parameters of the same, so you can manage tasks more safely.

We will see in the second part of this article with the automation tools related to operational activities

Good logistics!