Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adrien Arpel Hairstyle

Logistics & Automation - Part

We saw earlier in this article means that the technology provides the decision maker that handles the logistics process through simulation systems and decision support.
In this second part we explore instead the opportunities for automation in operating activities of daily logistics.

Automation operational
fall into this category of tools equipment and systems that can replace humans in carrying out logistical operations, or otherwise support it, lifting it from certain tasks.
Within this group of tools we can identify the following macro-categories.

Automatic sorting : so-called sorter (sorters), which allow you to take charge, to recognize and sort different types of packages (pallets, boxes, individual items), using a software program, and a register internal tools that translate information into action (PLC - Programmable Logic Controller), these machines are able to recognize (through, for example, bar codes) products, and direct them towards the bays of pre-release.
machines are used in platforms di smistamento dei corrieri, ma anche nei magazzini distributivi e in quelli di gestione dei resi (possono procedere al riconoscimento e conteggio dei pezzi), ed hanno costi di impianto e di gestione molto elevati.

Magazzini automatici : si tratta di impianti che automatizzano tutte le attività tipiche di magazzino: messa a stock, prelievo, uscita da magazzino, e possono essere utilizzati in caso di merci standardizzate e codificate. Rappresentano il livello massimo di automazione, e di tecnologia, esistente nel settore logistico, e uniscono le tecniche di gestione e ottimizzazione della ricerca operativa (ottimizzazione dei tempi), con le tecnologie per la movimentazione di carichi pesanti con precisioni dell’ordine of millimeters to hundreds of meters of total trips.
They consist of structures, usually self-supporting, like a shelf, such as traditional warehouses, and moving parts that are responsible for carrying out the planting and picking of goods: they are the stacker, which allow the robot movements of cargo units in three dimensions, and are supervised by complex systems of photocells to assure the accuracy of the movements.

Automatic handling : These are systems that allow the handling of loading units of the warehouses. They can be auto exhaust systems of trucks, material handling systems using magnetic guide-wire Floor systems (AGVS: Automated Guided Vehicle Systems), automatic loading systems, which aim to prevent the deployment of personnel to perform mundane logistics, such as appointments loading, unloading and material handling.

At the operational level there are also tools that are placed in between the physical management and information management ; it comes to systems that allow management of WORKING Ides warehouse with the support of dedicated tools. For example, the tools to prepare orders: guns RF, RFID , Voice Systems (voice recognition systems). It
tools that speed warehouse operations, and reduce errors, but not to avoid the use of operators to perform them.

In the following we will see some of these automation technologies applied to logistics.

Good logistics!


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