Monday, November 16, 2009

Four Winds Motorhomes

Piazza beautiful square ... looking for a permanent center of gravity X

Castrocaro Earth and the Sun are two places in the City Council that several decades are constantly looking for "a permanent center of gravity."
That lack of a square that is worthy of that role!
Square or Agora is one of the most important in the path of an urban community is the place of meeting and exchange of socio-cultural citizens, the center of economic trade and social relations! The deputy
place par excellence to accommodate every aspect of city life, from civil to religious festivals, markets but also open-air theater, space for recreation.
The urban square is the invention of democracy, the place of sociability and dialogue between different generations and populations, site of town meetings and political debates.
Over the past decades in this town squares have become parking lots and parking places!

start from the ground that the Sun has a square in Renaissance style!

planned urban space.
A "parade" at the center of the city-fortress.
a "center of gravity" onto which the buildings of the power and where it is held for centuries throughout the city life.
symbolic place and physical place!
real space of centrality and balance urban and social! Today
become the temporary resting place per le automobili di avventori temporanei dei pochi pubblici esercizi che vi si affacciano o che vi gravitano nelle sue vicinanze!

Si dice che questo sia il prezzo da pagare alla modernità e ai cittadini, residenti o ospiti, non resta che prenderne atto e accontentarsi!

D'altronde ormai la socialità si svolge nel chiuso delle proprie abitazioni seduti e in silenzio davanti a un televisore o nel migliore dei casi sulla piazza virtuale del web.



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