Thursday, April 29, 2010

Can Sulfasalazine Cause Ulcers

Hello girls!!
I finally managed to make the first tutorial of many I hope:)
If you have any suggestions or inspiration let me know:) A

Bacteria On Surfaces, Toilets

Jojoba oil Vitamin C

Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis) has been used for hundreds of years by Indians as a universal remedy in the treatment of the skin. It's called oil, but in reality is a "liquid wax.
Jojoba oil protects and lubricates skin and hair and is often used to prevent aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
The particular nature of the constituents of lipid 'jojoba oil allows greater penetration on the one hand and a ready absorption skin, the other a 'high film-forming activity. Also has a protective action against the sun, by virtue of the stability of these molecules to UV radiation. In
trade will find many types of products containing this substance, as I always point out there pure oils Eos200 ml price of € 19.00; Biokima 500 ml, price € 56.00; Memole-Nature 100 ml, price 8th , 90 €. I recommend you do not forget to check the ingredients, there must be written containing "Oil Simmondsia chinensis.

L ' jojoba oil for all these features is better to treat the scalp , helping effectively to leave the hair follicles clogged by sebum, given its natural tendency to incorporate, as a result of its permeability, in addition, the treated hair with jojoba oil visibly increase their luster and comb.
This liquid wax is a staordinaria nourishing and protective care for the hair : try using the ' pure jojoba oil as a pre-shampoo poultice . Sprinkle or pour it directly onto the hair before shampooing, combing to distribute the product evenly. Gather the hair and then let stand for at least 6 minutes, or rather half-hour. Now you can procedere a lavare i capelli come di consuetudine: il risultato sarà una chioma di capelli lucidi, nutriti e protetti contro gli agenti esterni (vento, freddo e smog). Tutto questo con un prodotto naturale

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Does Your Cat Follow You Around The House

logistics, driver of economic recovery

In today's post we talk about the logistics as an actor fundamental economic recovery.
Logistics provides the operational part of the market, managing stocks of goods and their distribution to consumers.
Consequently, the supply chain is one that receives more than any other sector of the economy changes, drastically reducing its volumes in times of stagnation of the market, and vice versa recording large and sudden increases at the same moments of economic growth.

This is a phenomenon that exists even in moments of greatest coincidence of business during the year, the first of Christmas, as well as those of product launches on the market, or the change of seasons.

Below is the link to an interesting article Federico Rampini, La Repubblica journalist and correspondent for the Far East and America, which says, in amazement, the visit to the giant hub of the most famous American multinational working logistics, FedEx.

To tell what a visit to one of the very heart of the worldwide logistics can give your wrist, visually and physically, the state of health of the economy on a global scale.

Happy reading and good ... Logistics!

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E' la vitamina più versatile, la più presente in natura, la più utile.
La vitamina C protegge il cuore e l’apparato respiratorio, gli organi della digestione e quelli della riproduzione. Soprattutto, aiuta l’organismo a non invecchiare perché agisce sull’ossidazione delle cellule. Ecco perché nessuno può fare a meno della vitamina C.
Regola il potenziale di ossidazione della cellula per la sua capacità to move from the reduced form to oxidized form in equilibrium with each other and reversible process. Promotes the formation of collagen, adrenaline, regulates the strength and permeability of capillaries.
spoke in defense of cellular processes by inactivating oxygen free radicals favoring the anti-radical action of vitamin E. It promotes the intestinal absorption of iron. Vitamin C, present in adults at a rate of about 1500 mg., Is absorbed in the mucosa of the stomach and intestines. Citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin C when eaten fresh. You should avoid excessive washing with water (which may result in loss of up to 75%) cooking and not for too long, this being water-soluble vitamin, easily degradable, because unstable to heat and oxygen in the air. The recommended level of intake of vitamin C with the Mediterranean diet is 60 mg / day in both the woman in 'man in normal conditions. An increase in demand occurs during pregnancy (+ 10 mg / day) during lactation (+ 30 mg / day), in ill-health, infectious diseases, and doubled in smokers.
deficiency of vitamin C, virtually non-existent in industrialized countries, while in severe determines the "scurvy" morbid picture characterized by widespread capillary fragility with the possibility of bleeding. An optimal plasma level of vitamin C provides good protection of the 'body against oxidative attacks. If you have hypervitaminosis with gastrointestinal disorders due to acidity.

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Mandarin is the most fresh fruit rich in sugar (over 17%) and therefore calories, 72 per 100 g. This feature, combined with relatively low index of satiety, Mandarin is a result of abuse and not always be assessed in the amount assumed. For it is not difficult to eat 1 kg of mandarins, for a total of 500 calories. Mandarin is a good source of vitamin C, although less orange (40 mg against 60). The peel of tangerine contains an antioxidant terpene, limonene, and an essential oil used to make liqueurs, syrups and perfumes.
Mandarin Mandarin has remarkable therapeutic properties. The fruit does not throw anything: his skin is in fact full of limonane (active antioxidant) that has the feature of delaying the aging of the skin and more skin is removed from an essential oil can soothe anxiety and combat water retention and insomnia. Very rich in vitamin C, essential to keep the brain active and alert, Mandarin is also rich in fiber and carotene and also has many B vitamins and vitamin A, as well as a large percentage of iron, magnesium and folic acid. In view of the considerable amount of fiber present in it, the Mandarin is particularly suitable for the wellbeing of the intestine and is indicated in the diet because the fruit looks like a nutritious and easily digestive. Unlike other citrus fruits, the seeds of the tangerine, even if chewed, not only do not hurt but make vitamins. The flesh of the mandarin (rich in vitamin C) is used to prevent colds and protect mucous membranes and capillaries, vitamin P, however, reduce water retention and promotes diuresis, also contain calcium, potassium and fiber, essential for bones and intestine and regulates blood pressure. Scientists at the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science and other related studies also argue that the Mandarin would have anticancer properties (it seems that drinking a glass tangerine juice a day reduces the risk of developing liver cancer) and protect the heart. Australian researchers also claim that the consumption of oranges and tangerines, 50% would reduce the chances of cancer of the digestive tract and 20% of stroke.
Mandarin in cosmetics
Mandarin has a cleansing effect on the skin and draining but not limited to: oil of mandarin is also useful to combat water retention and cellulite. Indeed, using the peel of mandarin oil is created with which you can make a healthy massage on the legs which facilitates the absorption of liquids and reduces cellulite. They are also well known for her property softening, cleansing and stimulating particularly important for the proper functioning of metabolism. Mandarin oil (100% organic) is very effective for body massage, at the end of treatment is completely absorbed leaving the skin smooth and hydrated.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Best Place To Buy Slippers?

Inventory Management: costs and benefits

The issue of inventory management is part of flow control and the accumulation of intermediate goods in the distribution process. Manage inventory means to have a target two, whose faces are placed in contradiction: on the one hand, research on minimizing the cost of maintaining a stock of materials, one should ensure at the same time the necessary regular operation in the distribution chain .

A low stock will pay a lower cost, but also possible irregularities in delivery of goods along the supply chain, conversely, a high stock will pay a higher cost of maintenance but also a reduction of the discontinuity across the logistics process from the goods.
This is because the costs and benefits of holding stocks are as follows.

Financial cost: buy stocks means "freeze" the money in the lives of materials which can be converted into money only when the market requires them: therefore there is a possible "loss of earnings" arising from non-usability of alternative liquid assets invested in stocks, and even there may be an indebtedness for the payment of suppliers, which generates interest persons.
Operating cost: The higher the amount of material held in stock, the better the infrastructure necessary to manage the Buffer Stock: storage facilities, installations and means of handling the daily management of materials. Moreover, in case of over-saturation of the physical stores, the excess material is transformed in additional operating costs due to the continuous movement of materials for handling daily, and increased potential for errors.

Availability of goods: high stock levels ensure the availability of goods for sale to customers, a factor crucial in many areas (typically the case for the retail channel, where the difference between a dealer and the other often lies in the availability of funds). Large stocks have also "hides" the smooth running of the supply chain, logistics, market-making perceive smooth and without jolts.
Lower cost of purchase: buy large lots of goods typically guarantees a unit purchase price lower. For this reason we shall often so-called speculative buying, where the quantity (and the purchase price) do not meet criteria for logistics, but a commercial basis.

will be back soon to talk about stocks.

Good Logistics!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Looks Like Epididymitis

Measuring productivity

A fundamental necessity for companies is to measure the effectiveness of manufacturing processes, internal and external to the company itself.
also for logistics operations, this need must be satisfied, in respect of their domestic and external to the warehouse.

therefore necessary to define the parameters of logistics productivity, which show clearly and fully the level of efficiency in this supply chain management.
productivity is meant to measure the efficiency of resource use logistic warehouses, equipment, people, systems and vehicles.
Below is a list of the indicators most commonly used, is more suited for the monitoring of logistics, storage and transport.

Activities Within the warehouse, the basic parameters are those of:
- productivity of : usually measured in lines per day, or lines / man hour, define the performance of workers in the warehouse, for the receiving, storage and preparation of orders;
- saturation of the warehouse : represents the% occupancy of the available volumes of stock by the goods, more is close to 100%, plus you are in a situation of full exploitation of the static capacity of warehouse, if it exceeds 100%, we find ourselves in a situation of over-saturation, which can cause serious and costly operational inefficiencies;
- inventory turnover: how many times in value, a store "run" in one year, indicates the average mutual stock of goods in stock, to reduce the financial assets and avoid obsolescence, it is appropriate that the average duration of storage is shortest.

transport activity
part of transport, indicators can be very different but all related to a fundamental concept:
- unit cost of transport : indicates how many resources are taken up for delivery of the unit value of goods (for example, for every euro of value delivered, transportation accounts for 10 cents: the unit cost of transport is equal to 10% of the value delivered).

The task manager of logistics is to analyze the status of their supply chain and to develop innovations and solutions that enable improvements in productivity of the various indicators .

We will return again on the issue of productivity measurement in della catena logistica.

Buona logistica!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can Botox Cause Hepatitis

logistics Inventory management during the crisis

In questi ultimi mesi abbiamo tutti sentito parlare di crisi e di ricette per passarla indenne.
Le aziende si sono mosse per trovare, spesso da sole, le contromisure gestionali da opporre alla congiuntura, dal punto di vista commerciale, di gestione della produzione, degli acquisti, e anche della logistica .

Oltre ai costi logistici correnti (operatività dei magazzini, trasporti), una spesso elevata voce di costo della funzione logistica di molte aziende, commerciali o manifatturiere, risiede nel costo delle scorte .

Have large stocks produces operating costs (more movements) and financial costs (freezing of liquidity in the form of materials in stock). During the crisis period the operating costs can be managed and intervening events fall on the flexibility of personnel and equipment inventory. The inventory costs can be managed with greater difficulty, given that at the time of market crisis, we are witnessing a stagnation in sales, resulting in accumulation of stocks of materials, if not treated promptly.

should be given to the warehouse, and logistics in general, with a logical flow . Consider all the moments and places of transit storage as part of a flow of goods, moving and sometimes halt until the next movement. Then, at a time when the market absorbs lower volumes, you should also reduce the scope of supply, to avoid the risk of over-saturate the stores.
So in general, in time of crisis should usually reduce inventory to reduce working capital, reduce risk of obsolescence of the goods and to avoid extra operating costs caused by the excessive saturation of the store.

There are exceptions: they concern the stocks of goods (finished and unfinished) directly derived from raw materials, and the cost of purchase in times of crisis, is reduced just because of the stagnation of the market.
In practice, if you have adequate financial liquidity, the moment of crisis can become one in which to exploit the fall in market prices, making speculative buying, putting into practice larger purchases at lower unit prices, thus resulting in significant economies. It 'important that the materials purchased at this time, however, have short periods of obsolescence, since otherwise the savings made by speculative buying would be annulled by the slow absorption of materials from the market, causing just the obsolescence of goods, and then dried in a financial loss.

Deepening the theme of inventory management.

Good logistics!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How Long Is Ringworm Contagious?


Happy Easter!! :))
A PRESTOOOOOO !!!!!! :) :****

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Waxing School In Harrow

Hello Girls! Unfortunately, lately I've been a bit absent due to numerous commitments and projects!
This is Easter weekend but I'll try to forgive me for posting something more substantial!
take this opportunity to say that it is the address of the site and the graphics are only temporary! :) As soon as I did
local mind will create the definitive blog where you can interact definitely more!
Blog Spot is a little limiting in this:) Then tomorrow

andrò a kiko a vedere un pò di novità e a vedere se mi attira particolamente qualcosa!! Se avete qualche trucco che vi ha entusiasmato ditemi cos'è e il numero cosi farò tesoro dei vostri gustii :)

Pubblicherò pure la foto di una valigetta comodissima che ho comprato a colors&beauty - TROPPO PRATICAAA!!! cosi vedrete anche i miei tucchi :P

Farò tra oggi e domani un trucco ispirato alla pasqua e pubblicherò foto o video (sempre se riesco a fare un video da mettere su youtubeee :)!!!!!

Ora vi saluto che il lavoro chiama!!!
A prestoooo
Bacioooooooooooo :))))))))))))))))))))