Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pokemon Colosseum Rom Hustler

E' la vitamina più versatile, la più presente in natura, la più utile.
La vitamina C protegge il cuore e l’apparato respiratorio, gli organi della digestione e quelli della riproduzione. Soprattutto, aiuta l’organismo a non invecchiare perché agisce sull’ossidazione delle cellule. Ecco perché nessuno può fare a meno della vitamina C.
Regola il potenziale di ossidazione della cellula per la sua capacità to move from the reduced form to oxidized form in equilibrium with each other and reversible process. Promotes the formation of collagen, adrenaline, regulates the strength and permeability of capillaries.
spoke in defense of cellular processes by inactivating oxygen free radicals favoring the anti-radical action of vitamin E. It promotes the intestinal absorption of iron. Vitamin C, present in adults at a rate of about 1500 mg., Is absorbed in the mucosa of the stomach and intestines. Citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin C when eaten fresh. You should avoid excessive washing with water (which may result in loss of up to 75%) cooking and not for too long, this being water-soluble vitamin, easily degradable, because unstable to heat and oxygen in the air. The recommended level of intake of vitamin C with the Mediterranean diet is 60 mg / day in both the woman in 'man in normal conditions. An increase in demand occurs during pregnancy (+ 10 mg / day) during lactation (+ 30 mg / day), in ill-health, infectious diseases, and doubled in smokers.
deficiency of vitamin C, virtually non-existent in industrialized countries, while in severe determines the "scurvy" morbid picture characterized by widespread capillary fragility with the possibility of bleeding. An optimal plasma level of vitamin C provides good protection of the 'body against oxidative attacks. If you have hypervitaminosis with gastrointestinal disorders due to acidity.


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