Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Craigslist Yg Entertainment


Mandarin is the most fresh fruit rich in sugar (over 17%) and therefore calories, 72 per 100 g. This feature, combined with relatively low index of satiety, Mandarin is a result of abuse and not always be assessed in the amount assumed. For it is not difficult to eat 1 kg of mandarins, for a total of 500 calories. Mandarin is a good source of vitamin C, although less orange (40 mg against 60). The peel of tangerine contains an antioxidant terpene, limonene, and an essential oil used to make liqueurs, syrups and perfumes.
Mandarin Mandarin has remarkable therapeutic properties. The fruit does not throw anything: his skin is in fact full of limonane (active antioxidant) that has the feature of delaying the aging of the skin and more skin is removed from an essential oil can soothe anxiety and combat water retention and insomnia. Very rich in vitamin C, essential to keep the brain active and alert, Mandarin is also rich in fiber and carotene and also has many B vitamins and vitamin A, as well as a large percentage of iron, magnesium and folic acid. In view of the considerable amount of fiber present in it, the Mandarin is particularly suitable for the wellbeing of the intestine and is indicated in the diet because the fruit looks like a nutritious and easily digestive. Unlike other citrus fruits, the seeds of the tangerine, even if chewed, not only do not hurt but make vitamins. The flesh of the mandarin (rich in vitamin C) is used to prevent colds and protect mucous membranes and capillaries, vitamin P, however, reduce water retention and promotes diuresis, also contain calcium, potassium and fiber, essential for bones and intestine and regulates blood pressure. Scientists at the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science and other related studies also argue that the Mandarin would have anticancer properties (it seems that drinking a glass tangerine juice a day reduces the risk of developing liver cancer) and protect the heart. Australian researchers also claim that the consumption of oranges and tangerines, 50% would reduce the chances of cancer of the digestive tract and 20% of stroke.
Mandarin in cosmetics
Mandarin has a cleansing effect on the skin and draining but not limited to: oil of mandarin is also useful to combat water retention and cellulite. Indeed, using the peel of mandarin oil is created with which you can make a healthy massage on the legs which facilitates the absorption of liquids and reduces cellulite. They are also well known for her property softening, cleansing and stimulating particularly important for the proper functioning of metabolism. Mandarin oil (100% organic) is very effective for body massage, at the end of treatment is completely absorbed leaving the skin smooth and hydrated.


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