Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Seasonal vegetables

is rare is not recommended to consume vegetables. Why are they so important? First of all the vitamins and minerals, then the fibers, especially for those who must come to terms with a reduced diet. In fact, forced to correct a bite, give a sense of satiety and regulate the rate of absorption of some nutrients, especially sugars (both simple and complex) and fats. Beware the condiments!
  • Broccoli : Only 28 calories for this crop that has a high concentration of vitamin C, potassium and other substances that would antidegenerative capacity. Some examples? For people with diabetes are a panacea. And even those who have skin problems has reason to thank him. Moreover, a study conducted on humans in China, reveals that the consumption of these vegetables can 'help the body eliminate toxins cause cancer. Action 'detox' that can 'reduce the risk of developing liver cancer
  • Cauliflower : Rich in vitamins, minerals, antibacterial qualities and more, cauliflower is a vegetable essential garden. Depending on the variety (white cauliflower, green, purple), the cabbage has a different color and taste very special. But in all cases it is always appropriate to diets rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and copper, vitamins and amino acids. The beneficial properties of cauliflower to health are many. It is naturally rich in minerals, folic acid, fiber, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C (fresh, as it contains oranges) and vitamin B9, is necessary for cell multiplication and renewal. It has active antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiscorbuto, purifying, mineralizing and benefits for the regeneration of tissues. Cauliflower is also indicated in cases of diabetes because it contains no gluten (it is also suitable for celiacs). Some U.S. studies prevents colon cancer el 'and ulcer care' s anemia. E 'contraindicated in cases of hypothyroidism (contains substances that slow down the work of the thyroid)
  • Artichoke: It' s a real concentration of beneficial substances: the cynarin which gives the bitter taste is considered a tonic for the liver and a controller biliary tract. Without forgetting its diuretic and "ingredients" as precious as calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin A. Even for this vegetable calories are low: 23 per 100 grams. is a vegetable rich in water, almost completely devoid of fat with a moderate content of protein and a small amount of sugar. However, it is particularly rich in fiber that performs important functions: it increases the feeling of satiety, improves intestinal function. Finally, it is useful for reducing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In fact, dietary fiber modulates the absorption of sugar by avoiding a too high peak blood sugar after a meal and reduces the values \u200b\u200bof blood cholesterol through different biological mechanisms. The artichoke is also an excellent source of potassium and its vitamin content is low and is almost completely destroyed by cooking. It also contains small amounts of "cynarin", an active ingredient that promotes the secretion of bile and diuresis. But is inactivated by cooking, because that is the raw artichoke has a long tradition in the treatment of many disorders of the liver. Also provided by the inulin improves digestive function and modulates the uptake of glucose by reducing the rise in blood sugar after a meal.
  • Fennel . Fennel is first and foremost a good ally to purify and eliminate toxins. Lightweight and low in calories, fat and starch as well as free, rich in essential oils, it is useful in slimming diets. Strongly diuretic is particularly recommended for hypertension. In addition, this vegetable is exceptionally interesting for breastfeeding mothers because it gives breast milk tastes very sweet and pleasing to babies, as well as provide anti colic and digestive properties.

Monday, February 15, 2010

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The " sciatica", "sciatica", "leg pain" "herniated disc " are terms that are often intertwined and confused, and in fact represent facets of the same linguistic entity: inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
the manifest with pain along its course from the lumbar region of the lower limbs. Ln
scientific term is called the painful symptoms of sciatica.
almost always appears the sciatica in adults and tends to deteriorate in old age, in particular, in women 's inflammation of the sciatic nerve is typical post-menopausal age.
Affection, in fact, is due in most cases of arthritis in his lumbar spine, that is the point where the beams emerge from the spine of the sciatic nerve . Over the years, the intervertebral discs, that is, those "space dividers that separate the vertebrae together and protect the nerves, they tend to shrink and harden.
When the sciatic nerve is compressed at its source, the noise began. The pain can be felt throughout the territory of innervation of the sciatic nerve (low back, buttock, inside of the thigh and inside-back of the leg) or only in some of these areas. More rarely, sciatica may be due to poisoning of the nerves (for example, in severe alcoholics and diabetics). An "attack" of sciatica can also be addressed with the rest. However, as soon as my back stops the pain, once established the diagnosis of sciatica, you should see your doctor.
Prevent sciatica, and more generally the problems of the sciatic nerve, it can be. But you have to start young.
The bad positions (shoulders hunched and forward), and especially the intense physical effort may in fact encourage the development of toxic intervertebral disc disease, and then the nerve.
At all ages, therefore, we recommend a little 'exercise: the more intense by young and milder, even if only some stretching exercise of the muscles (stretching) acciacchi.Per's when they start on treatment, sciatica can be controlled, when the pain is too intense, with physiotherapy treatments given by the physician and anti-inflammatory drug.
Only if the pain becomes unbearable, and undermine the normal gait, the solution to the sciatic nerve compression may be surgery. Preventing a
sciatica can. Just follow a few small precautions in everyday life. Here they are:
  • If you lift weights - Bend your legs, keeping them a bit 'apart, leaving the torso as straight as possible. Grab the weight (a pack, a bottle of mineral water ...) and rise up on his back without force, but simply by straightening your legs.
  • If you have to be standing still for more than 30 minutes - Put one foot on a rialco, such a step: in this way the body leans forward and follows the natural curvature of the spine
  • If you have to be Alung sitting - Put the good back to back, keeping the neck aligned spine. To read, keep the book at chest level, and avoid bending forward.
  • If you need to bring parcels - Please share equally in both arms, so as to take, walking upright and balanced posture.
  • If you bend forward - Squat flexing his legs, but keeping your torso upright. Keep one knee resting on the floor and the other down to the chest, with the sole of the foot on the ground.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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skin fungus

The most typical signs of fungal infections of the skin are redness (which in some cases takes characteristic forms as the "ring" flushed of tinea corporis) and desquamation.
All'arrossamento are often associated with severe itching and a burning sensation, especially if the area comes into contact with clothing. In addition, it should be remembered that fungi tend to be concentrated in certain areas of the skin layer as the toes, groin or scalp. Finally, some fungal infections such as pityriasis versicolor there is no noise, only lighter patches on the skin due to the development of fungi.
Currently, there are various products such as antifungal, consisting of clotrimazole, which can destroy the fungi that developed on the skin with a local senzaincorrere possible side effects in a general therapy. These products are present in different pharmaceutical forms: cream, indicated for the more localized areas without hair, the spray solution, which is more practical to treat the areas covered by hair and the most extensive in the body (back, shoulders, trunk ) powder, for its ability to absorb the sweat is definitely suitable for the treatment of the feet (athlete's foot), also in the prevention and socks used within scarpe.Si is highly effective products for which the appearance of recurrence does not lie in the lack of activity of the drug, but in the early discontinuation of therapy.


First, we must ensure that the underwear intended to come into contact with the skin or other items are properly "sanitized" by the fungi. In case of ' infection should, therefore, wash shirts and pants at high temperatures and detergents with very active. In
family, then, try not to ever share towels, bathrobes and whatever else comes into direct contact with the skin to avoid giving the fungus to other family members.
you need to pay even more attention in gym e in ogni situazione si faccia la doccia in ambienti comuni. Per proteggere i vostri piedi e quelli degli altri, infatti, indossate sempre le ciabatte !
Infine, per ridurre il rischio di eventuali recidive, prendete qualche contromisura. Ad esempio controllate la sudorazione , evitando di indossare magliette che favoriscono la produzione e il ristagno del sudore a contatto della pelle.
Ultima raccomandazione
: asciugate sempre con cura la pelle dopo ogni contatto con l'acqua e cercate di non fare un uso protratto ed intenso di saponi molto alcalini che possono modificare l' acidità della pelle , alterandone la normale flora, preferendo saponi daml pH neutral or acid.

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Hiding defects with make up

The makeup, as well as an ally of beauty, can be a valuable aid for aesthetic treatment of defects more or less serious skin .
In hospitals are beginning to set up special departments dedicated to the recovery of patients who have undergone aesthetic skin lesions such as scars derived from by accidents or surgery, or burns from . Finally, the use of make-up for cover blemishes, or "camouflage " is having the right recognition, after years in which it was seen as just a habit or an unnecessary practice.
  • Couperose : Stretch out the spelling of green or yellow-orange. Apply a thin layer of powder. Lay the foundation of the same color of skin burns
  • : The burn scars are difficult to correct, especially if they are moving in areas such as neck and eyelids. However, much can be done to reduce the volume and render the color: In the wake scars uses the shading correction; For scars thickened uses light to brighten the spelling; On reddish steps like this: Apply a concealer beige-orange and apply a layer of powder to fixing effect and apply uniformly to the foundation.
  • Vitiligo: It is characterized by mottled ivory due to lack of melanin . The cause is still unknown and treatment are few and costose.Per disguise this defect with the trick: use a stick concealer macchie.stendi rose on the foundation all over your face, dab with a cotton fiok the area. Apply a thin layer of powder over the viso.Può also be helpful to wear light clothing. Unlike the old school dermatological claimed that discouraged patients from exposure to the sun for more than vent'anni si è riscontrato che proprio l'esposizione al sole può rivelarsi utile, perché stimola la riattivazione della funzione melanocitaria. Tuttavia, proprio per la mancanza di melanina sono fondamentali le precauzioni per l'esposizione solare: attualmente esistono prodotti per uso topico e/o sistemico che possono proteggere la cute e nello stesso tempo stimolare in parte la produzione di melanina.

Friday, February 5, 2010

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L’allergia è una reazione di difesa eccessiva del sistema immunitario di fronte a sostanze considerate erroneamente nocive. L’errore avviene nella prima fase di confronto, cioè la sostanza estranea non solo viene riconosciuta come non compatibile con l’organismo ma is also "exaggerated" as for its danger. So then the immune system operates on the one hand a special mention of the stranger in its internal memory and the other builds too many antibodies are ready to respond massively if you resubmit a new contact.
is still not possible to determine with absolute precision the causes of this "mistake" of the immune system, but knowing how to happen, however, the mechanisms of allergizzazione you are still unable to determine with certainty who is at risk, who's not . One of the few things that doctors now know that is not the same for all time allergizzazione (time spent between the first contact with the substance and the "unleashing" of symptoms): it is shown that this period can vary from just a few days to even several years!
It is also known that there is a percentage of inheritance, that is, it is found that 30% of children who have a parent with allergies may develop allergic phenomena of the same type even when they are in adulthood. Allergy can affect all people at any age and without gender differences, sometimes takes the gastrointestinal apparatus with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Nasal symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy skin.
  • Ocular symptoms: itching, redness, swelling, tearing, discomfort to light.
  • Respiratory symptoms: a sense of shortness of breath, cough, irritation of origin, and shortness of breath shortened.
  • skin symptoms: itching, swelling, redness, hives.
  • frequent symptoms in everyone: the fatigue and irritability.

The Ten Rules "anti allergic" to be followed by especially those who also had a mild cold allergy in the previous spring, or who have a parent suffering from this seasonal discomfort.
    Take water in
  • gemmoderivato of ribels migrum , just wake up in the morning and late afternoon for at least three months. This plant is a great rebalancing the immune system.
  • supplement your diet with vitamins C, B and K, particularly useful for conjunctivitis and rhinitis
  • Avoid foods that have the label under "natural flavors" because sometimes these are hidden among allergenic substances; honey, propolis and pollen have to be organized mainly suffering from allergic asthma
  • not take medications without consulting a doctor as suffering from allergy is much more sensitive than other chemical medicines. Among other things, not everyone knows that acetylsalicylic acid, for example, can trigger asthma
  • not smoke and avoid smoking environments, because the eye may become irritated nasal mucosa-
  • Follow simple rules of life such as sleep at least 8 hours per night, eating three times a day, resting or "off" from work at least a quarter of an hour when you feel tired, do a physical activity per week, not competitive; Obtain free time to themselves; Learn not to fight with their emotions and handle them with confidence in relations with others, pay attention to dry, windy days, in this climate because the air concentrations of pollen are highest, does not do gardening or mowing at critical moments; Prefer your summer holiday in the mountains rather than

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Aloe vera

a succulent plant is a perennial shrub, up to 1 m. high
The aloe plant is known for its many properties in many parts of the world.
beginning of our era, its use has always been the same, used in Asia, America, Africa or in Europe on a small island lost in the ocean, its use is been constant in history. It was also the era in which communication between people was little or nothing developed. Very well known by the Sumerians, in some clay tablets dated around 1750 years BC, reported its therapeutic uses in folk medicine. Among the ruins of ancient Egypt were found in the writings referred to its use in the field of religion and magic. In the book of Egyptian medicine, the book written in about 1550 BC describes all remedies and cosmetics used by that civilization. Christopher Columbus had named the vessel in the medicinal aloe

medicinal properties:
  • Regenerating : stimulates the growth of the 'epithelium in the wounds;
  • Energizing : increases energy level, giving a general welfare to the whole body;
  • proteolytic and healing : dissolves and absorbs the dead cells or enzymatically damaged by stimulating the regeneration process;
  • antiinflammatory : accompanies and helps to overcome the inflammatory process;
  • antipyretic : relieves burning from sunburn, inflammation and fever;
  • humectant: it is moisturizing, helping to water retention in the tissues of the skin;
  • analgesic : relieves pain, even in depth;
  • Fungicide : hinders growth of fungi;
  • virostatics : hinders growth of the virus;
  • Bacteriostatic: inhibits the growth of bacteria;
  • hemostasis: it reduces the bleeding lesions;
  • antipruritic : relieves the itching,
  • Detoxifying : helps detoxify the body from impurities, toxins, anti-tumor properties
According to one of the most successful American nutritionists, Dr. Bruce Hedendal, dell'Hedendal Chiropratic and Nutrition Center, the key to power of aloe vera is its rich content of a class of long chain sugars known as mucopolysaccharides (MPS). He believes that the MPS are essential to the body like bricks for a house.
normally found in every cell of our body, we can manufacture them alone in the first decade of our lives. As a result, we must rely on outside sources and a few plants are a richer source of aloe vera.
But what do these mps? Why is it important in our body?
probably acts as a lubricant for our joints, covering the colon, avoiding the riassorbimento delle materie di scarto tossiche e inoltre, tra gli svariati altri benefici, formano una barriera contro le invasioni microbiche delle nostre cellule. Tutti però sono d’accordo nell’attribuire le proprietà dell’Aloe Vera non a un singolo principio attivo contenuto nella pianta, ma che sia l’effetto sinergico della pianta in toto a stimolare alcuni meccanismi naturali, già presenti nel nostro organismo, e magari indeboliti per diversi motivi.

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Valgrande Terme Dolomiti, Veneto

Da sempre la popolazione della Val Comelico ha conosciuto le benefiche qualità delle acque di Valgrande.
Nei primi anni del 1900, a Valgrande, furono costruiti alcuni alberghi dotati della possibility of bathrooms with thermal water, but nothing more.
local newspapers continued, however, throughout the last century, to talk about the possibility of making a real spa.
In 1983, a study by the Community wanted to Montana, we again began to talk seriously about the exploitation of the water. But even this project remained on paper.
Finally, in 1993, the town of Superior Comelico, has launched a project which has been reflected in the current thermal structure, the culmination of 160 years of thermal projects, the starting point for possible new developments.
Already in 800 they began to think about their use for medical purposes. The water of the Baths of the Dolomites, rich in minerals, is a rare ally. In addition to being an effective natural cure , preventive and soothing for many diseases, cures, being free from contraindications , are recommended for all age groups. Specifically, significant benefits are obtained in the treatment of skin diseases, vascular, ENT and gastroeneteriche.
Beauty and fitness perfect blend, the Baths of the Dolomites, with the beneficial properties of spa waters: in the Wellness Center is Choose from a wide range of proposals made with natural products . A dream of relaxing
total that ranges between classic massage, Oriental, Thai, aromatherapy baths and hydromassage, facials and body treatments with hay.
are also possible treatments and personalized programs anti stress, anti-aging, focusing on the problems of pain in the spine (back) and to the imperfections caused by cellulite and stretch marks by SIT teraphy (see physiotherapy).

Via Valgrande, 43 (establishment) - 32040 - Comelico Superior (Belluno) - Mountain Factory Tel: 0435470153 - Factory Fax: 0435470154