Logistics and outsourcing
A key part of supply chain management, and also what is usually understood by definition when it comes to logistics, and inventory management.
The stock management is a very broad field, which must be treated to chapters, which requires great mental flexibility, and can be looked at from several points of view. The
inventory management can be dealt with inside the company that manufactures or distributes a product, and then we made in the case of logistics in-house (in house) or can be outsourced, that is outsourced, o data in outsourcing . In questo secondo caso, la gestione viene affidata ad un operatore esterno .
La gestione del magazzino viene data in outsourcing meno frequentemente di quanto accada per la gestione dei trasporti. Ad esempio, nel caso italiano, la gestione dei trasporti viene affidata ad operatori terzi nel 60% dei casi, mentre la gestione del magazzino viene affidata ad appaltatori esterni nel 15-20% dei casi.
Perché questa differenza? Perché questa propensione a terziarizzare i trasporti e non invece i magazzini?
Nel comune “sentire aziendale” la terziarizzazione viene vista molto spesso (anche a ragione) come una cessione del proprio “saper fare”, ie the business know-how. Outsourcing, meaning to manage others what until recently it ran on its own, is in a sense give up a part of the , and specifically how to opt out of it to a specific skill.
Well, in Italy, transport is often seen simply as the most "stupid" (wrongly, in fact) of logistics as that part to make the big powers which are not necessary, and on which we do not play the competitive advantage in the supply chain. Instead it is often identified, the competitive advantage of logistics, the warehouse management. This setting
thus has to have a market for the transportation contractors far more developed than that of storage for third parties. Hence the lack of large logistics operators can perform all logistics operations, in addition to transport, even on the management of warehouses.
The topic of outsourcing, or outsourcing, inventory is vast, and may touch issues related to:
- choice whether to buy or logistics (make or buy)
- if you chose to buy such
buy services - how to choose the supplier (logistics)
- how to draw up the contract of service (service levels, rates, durations)
We will return soon to explore the theme of outsourcing logistics. Logistics
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