Friday, October 2, 2009

Record Webcam On A Stick

The Coeliac

Tra tutte quelle agli alimenti, l’intolleranza al glutine è la più grave: perché è permanente, nel senso che non si può guarire, e perché se non si prendono le dovute contromisure, influisce pesantemente sulla qualità della vita di chi ne soffre.
In Italia ad avere questo problema sono tanti: secondo l’Associazione italiana (Aic), le stime parlano di una persona ogni 100-150.
Ma che cos’è il glutine?
Una sostanza proteica che si trova in avena, frumento, farro, kamut, orzo, segale, spelta e triticale. Questo significa che i celiaci non può più mangiare alimenti comuni come il pane, la pizza, la pasta e i dolci.
Assumendo il glutine, infatti, una persona che ha questa intolleranza subisce un grave danno alla sua mucosa intestinale: l’organismo reagisce infatti aumentando la produzione dei linfociti (le cellule difensive) che vanno a colpire i villi intestinali, una sorta di tubi sottili che servono ad assorbire gli alimenti.
Conseguenza: i villi si atrofizzano e cease to perform their function. And in no time they begin to suffer from lack of calcium, iron and vitamins.
The diagnosis of celiac disease is not easy. Especially if you think you can rely solely on symptoms.

In fact, there are signs that indicate a potential intolerance to gluten, a person:

  • slimming or fat
  • sudden and unexplained, gastritis, diarrhea, recurrent headache, fatigue, brittle nails and teeth
But they are not always unequivocal indicators of celiac disease.
This pathology, in fact, can also assume different connotations: in children For example, it is easier to locate because the vitamin deficiency leads to a slowdown in growth.
In adults, however, must also suspicious ol'osteoporosi anemia that can not be resolved at an early age, problems related to fertility, irregular menstrual cycles.
The strong reaction of the body, opposite to the assumption of gluten, also affects hormonal balance.
are two steps: first, the specialist must take a blood test which detect antibodies characteristic of the disease, and secondly - if the test result is positive - we will have to undergo a biopsy bowel, through a gastroscopy.
The only way to treat celiac disease today is also the simplest: completely eliminate gluten from their everyday table .
Of course, implementing this therapy as a means saying goodbye to food as good as common as bread, pasta, biscuits and pizza, but also means that care about every dish that is eaten there is the slightest trace of flour, for example, or of another food "forbidden." In short, the sacrifice is no small thing, implies a considerable effort in terms of nutrition education.
Fortunately, in the past, opportunities to eat throughout Security is for celiacs. For years now, are scattered throughout Italy restaurants and pizzerias ad hoc, even in the highway restaurant menu is a "gluten free, gluten-free foods can be found in health food stores, supermarket, pharmacy ...


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