We saw in the first part of what the requirements are that a Logistic Operator must have to express its activities and to initiate the added value that customers expect from it: ability to work, consulting skills, and ability to develop their information systems to support the first two.
Let's see these features in detail.
- Ability to work effectively in logistics
Let's see these features in detail.
- Ability to work effectively in logistics
E 'the necessary basis, which is what available, or make available adequate resources to operate in the logistics field. It's instrumental resources, such as warehouses, vehicles, equipment, infrastructure in general, and human resources, understood as operators and employees, whose skill is often the result of a good logistic service. In addition, but not least, the ability to manage these activities-labor agreements, without the organization of which the results will come.
advisory capacity translates into the ability to understand, codify and standardize the exact customer requirements, designing and implementing logistics systems belonging to them. This ability is central to achieving logistics services appropriate to the request, providing exactly what the customer requires, without overdoing offerings do not want, and without restriction within the bid too low compared to the desired boundaries. While in the case of operational capability, it is a condition without which the operator may not even exist, in the latter case, this feature is quite rare, and limited to a few companies.
The third, last and functional capacity of the logistics operator lies in knowing how to design, develop and adapt to different needs its own information system, this part, representing the nervous system and cognitive del servizio, è ciò che rende possibile l’efficiente ed efficace utilizzo delle risorse operative, oltre che l’analisi e l’ideazione di nuove soluzioni. Un buon operatore logistico investirà quindi massicciamente in questa area.
Ma quali sono le criticità incontrate nel corso della cessione di attività a operatori logistici?
Sostanzialmente due, entrambe di tipo organizzativo e “politico”.
The third, last and functional capacity of the logistics operator lies in knowing how to design, develop and adapt to different needs its own information system, this part, representing the nervous system and cognitive del servizio, è ciò che rende possibile l’efficiente ed efficace utilizzo delle risorse operative, oltre che l’analisi e l’ideazione di nuove soluzioni. Un buon operatore logistico investirà quindi massicciamente in questa area.
Ma quali sono le criticità incontrate nel corso della cessione di attività a operatori logistici?
Sostanzialmente due, entrambe di tipo organizzativo e “politico”.
La prima consiste nel fatto che l’azienda cliente, cedendo attività all’esterno, deve rinunciare al controllo o per lo meno accettare una ridotta conoscenza del proprio futuro logistico: ciò porta spesso a “irrigidire” the contract logistics, thereby preventing the logistics provider to apply its expertise in improved function.
The second, all the operator is tied to the need for use of human resources "outside" (cooperatives, temporary workers), which, for lack of loyalty, "participation" for the company's values \u200b\u200band voltage improvement, it is difficult to apply management policies based on employee participation and the achievement of business objectives.
To overcome these problems, the solution is that of clarity and unity of the division of tasks and responsibilities, so clear and service contracts explicit, objective service levels and tariffs, contract management entrusted to professionals.
are very interesting topics that we will investigate later in life.
Good Logistics!
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