Thursday, October 22, 2009

Does Medicare Pay For Omnipod Insulinsystem

Logistics Operations of supply chain logistics

All’interno delle diverse fasi operative della catena logistica, che possiamo immaginare come gli anelli della catena stessa, che collegano altri anelli e che costituiscono loro stessi parte integrante della catena, si distinguono diverse attività, e diversi luoghi di giacenza o manipolazione delle merci.
Queste diverse fasi devono essere approfondite per analizzare dettagliatamente una catena di fornitura, come abbiamo definito la Logistica.

Riprendendo le fasi della logistica che abbiamo visto un precedente post, definiamo queste attività:

Fase del trasporto dai produttori al magazzino centrale
- Coordinamento dei produttori
- Elaborazione ordini
- Organization of transport and consolidation (cross-docking logistics platforms)
- Execution of special transport (large, great, sea, air, etc.).
- Clearance (for goods from foreign producers)

Working phase in central warehouse
- Reception
and control - Quality control
- Manage stock and stock (inventory management, FIFO, LIFO)
- Receiving and processing orders
- Prepare orders
- sorting and packing pieces
- packing and sorting

During the transport to the final customer
- Deliveries to customers
- Management platforms or transit points
- Management of fleet vehicles
- City
Logistics - Managing complaints (claims)

For each of these phases and related activities of which they are made, there are facilities, resources, procedures, resources, equipment and software to manage them.
Each activity of each phase of the special features and needs, suggests that, for each of them, to develop the set of resources and procedures best suited to their management.

Soon we will enter into the specifics of management of some of these activities. The scope is broad and requires a high degree of technical expertise, which we will explain in detail entering. Logistics



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