Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Much Attention Does A Pet Rabbit Need

operational phases of the Contract Logistics Market

Le fasi operative della catena logistica sono schematizzabili con le diverse fasi di manipolazione e trasferimento che la merce subisce lungo il suo tragitto tra il produttore e il consumatore finale.

Trasporto dal produttore al magazzino o deposito : questa fase di trasferimento può avvenire in un unico passaggio, oppure attraverso passaggi intermedi in depositi di consolidamento, magazzini centrali e transit point. Dopo il suo svolgimento, le merci sono presenti nel magazzino distributivo finale.

Lavorazioni di magazzino : questa fase coincide con le attivitĂ  di manipolazione delle merci, che includono il loro ricevimento e controllo, la loro messa in stock (which created the stocks and their management) and their preparation for customer orders or retail distribution network, and the preparation of shipments. After his term, the products are ready to be put on the market, which is their final destination.

Transport from warehouse to customer : in fact, the final destination can be both the customer and a retail store, which in turn sells and / or delivery to the customer. This phase of transfer is one in which the goods are "scattered" in the area, and corresponds to the actual distribution of them on the market. At the end of this stage of the supply chain, it can be say that the primary mission of logistics itself, that is to make available products for their sale, is completed.

There are two other phases, which are not always present, and that which we call options.

Storage in stores : this time logistics is not always present, especially in cases where the distribution network providing only direct deliveries to customers. In reality, the vast majority of distribution network for the presence of retail outlets in the area, as this approach is more efficient and less burdensome for the final transport.
Here comes the logistics point of sale is summed up in inventory management (much smaller than the central warehouse), and management Shelf, translating from the shelf management. This matter of logistics "surrounded" by the discipline of marketing, who is studying how and where to place products in stores.

reverse logistics: the last phase of the logistics cycle is not always present, but only in cases where it is expected the flow of so-called return of unsold or returned. It can be very articulate, for example in the case of returns, with the withdrawal by customers, or less complex, in the case of returns from stores. In both scenarios, the logistics of returns is made in turn by a phase of consolidation dell'invenduto to make, one step backward transport of the goods delivered to stores, and finally a stage of processing of stock returns, which aims to generate new value by unsold products, through their return to the market, or further made to producers.

phases of logistics deserve a detailed study, which we will develop in the future.

Good Logistics!


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