Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Step By Step On The Black Death

The bathroom Rasul

Il bagno Rasul è un antico rituale di purificazione tramandataci dalla tradizione dell'arte delle cure orientali. Piu’ che un trattamento è una vera e propria cerimonia del bagno secondo la tradizione. Infatti il Bagno Rasul è stato più volte nella storia conclamato "regina dei bagni orientali".
La combinazione fra varie terre salutari unite al piacevole calore e ai profumi orientali, purificano il corpo. Grazie al dolce effetto peeling, la pelle risulterà morbida e vellutata.
Il vero e proprio trattamento è incentrato sull'applicazione on the whole body of different types of clay or with clay, curative mud, sea salt and vegetable oil .

Once the application of the clay we sit on chairs of the special marble is completely immersed in a relaxing atmosphere, oriental traits.
treatments produce a natural exfoliation and firming hypodermis.
This is a relaxing and enjoyable way to eliminate toxins, while the peeling promotes the absorption of therapeutic substances.
The next step is intended to be applicable to whole sea salt, with purifying and disinfectant, which is spread throughout the body, this moment is quindi dedicato all'esfoliazione che serve a rendere la pelle ancora più liscia e libera dalle cellule morte.
Al termine si passa ad una doccia rinfrescante e rigenerante ed eventualmente all'immersione in una piccola piscina con l'idromassaggio.

How To Make Blueprints On The Computer

The microwave cooking

Le microonde vengono prodotte nel forno da un tubo ad elettroni chiamato magnetron. Le microonde rimbalzano avanti e indietro all'interno dell'armatura di metallo del forno finché non vengono assorbite dal cibo. Le microonde causano la vibrazione delle molecole di acqua presenti nel cibo, producendo così il calore che cuoce il cibo. Questo è il motivo per cui cibi contenenti molta acqua possono essere cotti più velocemente rispetto ad altri cibi. L'energia the microwaves is converted into heat as it is absorbed by food. So the food can not become radioactive or "contaminated."
Microwave cooking does not reduce the nutritional value of food more so than with traditional cooking. In fact, foods cooked in a microwave oven may keep more of their vitamins and minerals due to the fact that the microwave cook more quickly and without adding water.

security problems associated with the use of microwave ovens is not any "contamination" of foods, but the cooking temperature, a problem which is also present in other types of cottura.Bisogna be very careful when you cook , or heats meat, poultry, fish and eggs to make sure that the cooking takes place unevenly, leaving the "cold spots" where harmful bacteria can survive.

  • Arrange food evenly in a covered dish and add liquid if necessary. Cover the dish with a lid or plastic wrap, cover or leave the film loose to allow steam to escape. The steam that is created helps to destroy harmful bacteria and ensure uniform cooking
  • not overly thick pieces of meat cooked to a high power. These pieces are cooked on medium power for longer periods. This allows heat to reach the center not overcook the outer zones.
  • Stir or turn halfway through cooking the food to eliminate cold spots where harmful bacteria can survive, and to allow even cooking.
  • When you cook food partially in the microwave, then finish cooking on the grill or in a conventional oven, it is important to transfer the food to another heat source immediately. Never partially cook food and then store it for later use.
  • Cook poultry and stuffed in a microwave oven is not recommended. Do not use polystyrene trays or film in contact with food because they are not resistant to high temperatures. The melting or deformation of these containers could cause contamination of food with harmful chemicals.
  • Cook meat, poultry, egg casseroles, and fish immediately after being thawed in a microwave oven because some areas of the frozen food may begin to cook during the defrosting. Never hold partially cooked food for future use.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Make Sonic Screwdriver

Terme Bagni di Pisa

Terme Bagni di Pisa, already loved by the Etruscans and the Romans, became famous for the nobility all over Europe since 1743, when the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Francesco Stefano of Lorena, made it his own summer spa residence, and a place fashionable meeting which saw, among other important guests, famous people such as Gustav of Sweden, George IV of England, Vittorio Alfieri, Percy B. and Mary Shelley, Ibrahim Pasha, the Cardinal of York, Carlo Goldoni.

Today this wonderful spa with extraordinary lives through a restructuring that has been able to return his soul to the original historic buildings, causing them to flourish in all their glory without neglecting the comfort of our age.
The setting of this jewel of well-being is the art and history, Pisa and Lucca, the nature and the Maritime Park of San Rossore, the social life of Versilia.

waters from the beneficial effects, naturalmente ricche di elementi vitali e curativi, sgorgano ai piedi del monte San Giuliano presso lo stabilimento termale con diverse scaturigini e raccolte in due gruppi detti di Levante (temperatura di 40°) e di Ponente (temperatura 38°).
Famosi sono i fanghi maturati con queste acque, oggetto di numerosi studi da parte della Scuola Idrologica dell’Universita’ di Pisa.
I fanghi e i bagni di San Giuliano trovano la loro indicazione in modo particolare:

  • nelle malattie reumatiche, esiti di traumi e distorsioni.
  • A San Giuliano si effettuano anche cure inalatorie: queste cure sono soprattutto indicate per affezioni croniche delle vie respiratorie for the alkanes' and the particular richness in calcium and S04 of the water.

The range of treatments including massages and is very impressive, innovative and traditional Eastern disciplines such as ayurvedic massage, reflexology and massage zu Chinese Traditional Chinese Tuina.
Treatments may begin with a comprehensive medical diagnostic phase that addresses the guests on the most appropriate treatments.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

White Tongue And Liver


Monday, November 16, 2009

Four Winds Motorhomes

Piazza beautiful square ... looking for a permanent center of gravity X

Castrocaro Earth and the Sun are two places in the City Council that several decades are constantly looking for "a permanent center of gravity."
That lack of a square that is worthy of that role!
Square or Agora is one of the most important in the path of an urban community is the place of meeting and exchange of socio-cultural citizens, the center of economic trade and social relations! The deputy
place par excellence to accommodate every aspect of city life, from civil to religious festivals, markets but also open-air theater, space for recreation.
The urban square is the invention of democracy, the place of sociability and dialogue between different generations and populations, site of town meetings and political debates.
Over the past decades in this town squares have become parking lots and parking places!

start from the ground that the Sun has a square in Renaissance style!

planned urban space.
A "parade" at the center of the city-fortress.
a "center of gravity" onto which the buildings of the power and where it is held for centuries throughout the city life.
symbolic place and physical place!
real space of centrality and balance urban and social! Today
become the temporary resting place per le automobili di avventori temporanei dei pochi pubblici esercizi che vi si affacciano o che vi gravitano nelle sue vicinanze!

Si dice che questo sia il prezzo da pagare alla modernità e ai cittadini, residenti o ospiti, non resta che prenderne atto e accontentarsi!

D'altronde ormai la socialità si svolge nel chiuso delle proprie abitazioni seduti e in silenzio davanti a un televisore o nel migliore dei casi sulla piazza virtuale del web.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby Born In Water Swims



13/11/2009 - 13:13 (IRIS) - ROMA, 13 NOV - "It amazes me that the Honourable Minister Silvio Berlusconi has not yet followed the example of some of his parliamentary majority who have proposed and tested immediately on drugs" Silvi Viale, president of Radical Adelaide Aglietta, at the congress of the Radical Party, urged the prime minister to undergo narcotest. "In recent months, there was much talk of sexual relationships of our impromptu President, with controversy about prostitution and more, but it is a bit 'glissando on the alleged presence of cocaine at his parties" says Viale. "Unlike the case of Marrazzo, when it comes to cocaine parties in Berlusconi offered no test for parliamentarians, ma mi sorprende che Berlusconi non abbia ritenuto di doverlo fare o almeno di commentarlo. Non vorrei che Gasparri, Alemanno & Co. avessero erroneamente pensato che la chioma di Berlusconi non fosse idonea al test, dimenticandosi della prorompente virilità del nostro Presidente a cui dovrebbe corrispondere una foresta pilifera adeguata" conclude.

In effetti leggendo questi articoli qualche dubbio che il legame "Berlusconi-Tarantini- escort-cocaina" possa esserci ...

L’estate di Tarantini :
«Droga e affari nella mia villa»

I verbali: in Sardegna con cocaina nella cassaforte

Tarantini: ecco my system
Escort and drugs, all in five interrogation

Tarantini: Prime Minister and those 30 girls Eighteen evenings and 1000 € to those who remained

Here are the minutes of Tarantino
"in Thousand € those who stayed the night "

Tarantini: This provides escort to Berlusconi
Refunds or 1000 € to provide

Escort cocaine and arrested the farmer

Tarantini Tarantini The Inquiry pm speed up drug and escort

Tarantini: I brought 30 girls to Berlusconi

Good Christian Phrase For Happy Birthday


The cucumber is not just a simple vegetable, but it has proved a good ally for the general health of the organism. In fact, it contains an important substance predominant tartaric acid .
Why is it so important to this acid? Because it prevents carbohydrate food, put in our bodies to turn into fat, which is why dieticians recommend the consumption of cucumber in the diets and all those who want to keep your weight under control.
specialists even suggest eating it combined with the bread to fully enhance its effectiveness as a dietary product highly. It also has very few calories is a good diuretic and a good detox. How to eat cucumber

the cucumber is usually eaten raw, cut into thin slices, but can also be eaten cooked. When is still small and, therefore, particularly wheat, can be used for storing oil, vinegar or sottosale. Since it is difficult to digest, some suggest slicing the day before serving and then sprinkle with a little 'salt and allow to dry on an inclined plane. Others believe that it is necessary to be able to digest consumed immediately after cutting.

Cucumbers are rich in water, for this reason they are considered the most refreshing and cleansing. This feature is very important for the activity of our kidneys. They also have very few calories and are therefore molto usati nelle diete dimagranti. Contengono provitamina A, le vitamine del complesso B, la vitamina C e sono ricchi di potassio, ferro, calcio, iodio e manganese. Aiutano i reni ad eliminare i liquidi e le tossine, migliorano l’attività del fegato e del pancreas. La polpa del cetriolo viene utilizzata come diuretico e disintossicante e l’acqua e i sali minerali in esso contenuti, sono molto utili per controbilanciare i cibi acidi. Gli antichi lo utilizzavano inoltre per debellare i vermi intestinali e per abbassare la febbre. Anche per malattie come la gotta, patologia dovuta ad un accumulo eccessivo di acido urico nel sangue e nei tessuti (che fa rigonfiare gli arti), i cetrioli vengono ben utilizzati. Gli enzimi contenuti nel cetriolo aiutano the body to assimilate proteins, purify and detoxify the bowel. The same active ingredients help prevent the formation of kidney stones and bladder cancer. Eating cucumbers is regularly fights constipation. They are also very useful to make some sort of bowel and lubricate joints. They are also all known diuretic, vermifuge, emollients, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties
Cucumber for beauty
Cucumber is rich in sulfur, so it is very suitable for skin care: it is able to lighten age spots, thanks to its decongestant properties. It is also recommended by esperti dermatologi per lenire le scottature solari e se usato con continuità rappresenta una buona soluzione per “migliorare” le rughe. Tutti conoscono anche il vecchio rimedio delle nonne per combattere il gonfiore: i cetrioli sugli occhi che hanno la proprietà di ravvivare lo sguardo, ringiovanire l’aspetto della pelle intorno agli occhi stanchi e ridurre borse e occhiaie. In cosmesi, viene utilizzata la polpa per ottenere maschere per il viso rinfrescanti e idratanti, i semi invece per maschere tonificanti e rassodanti, il succo per impacchi lenitivi su pelli irritabili.. Infine per ridurre le rughe e rendere la pelle più morbida e luminosa, si può preparare un’ottima maschera facciale utilizzando un cetriolo tritato con olio d’oliva e qualche goccia di succo di limone. Questo trattamento ha azione detergente, riduce e pulisce i pori dilatati o occlusi ed è adatta anche alle pelli più sensibili che non tollerano né sapone né acque dure. L’efficacia di questo trattamento è sicuramente superiore a qualsiasi crema, sicuramente più costosa.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adrien Arpel Hairstyle

Logistics & Automation - Part

We saw earlier in this article means that the technology provides the decision maker that handles the logistics process through simulation systems and decision support.
In this second part we explore instead the opportunities for automation in operating activities of daily logistics.

Automation operational
fall into this category of tools equipment and systems that can replace humans in carrying out logistical operations, or otherwise support it, lifting it from certain tasks.
Within this group of tools we can identify the following macro-categories.

Automatic sorting : so-called sorter (sorters), which allow you to take charge, to recognize and sort different types of packages (pallets, boxes, individual items), using a software program, and a register internal tools that translate information into action (PLC - Programmable Logic Controller), these machines are able to recognize (through, for example, bar codes) products, and direct them towards the bays of pre-release.
machines are used in platforms di smistamento dei corrieri, ma anche nei magazzini distributivi e in quelli di gestione dei resi (possono procedere al riconoscimento e conteggio dei pezzi), ed hanno costi di impianto e di gestione molto elevati.

Magazzini automatici : si tratta di impianti che automatizzano tutte le attività tipiche di magazzino: messa a stock, prelievo, uscita da magazzino, e possono essere utilizzati in caso di merci standardizzate e codificate. Rappresentano il livello massimo di automazione, e di tecnologia, esistente nel settore logistico, e uniscono le tecniche di gestione e ottimizzazione della ricerca operativa (ottimizzazione dei tempi), con le tecnologie per la movimentazione di carichi pesanti con precisioni dell’ordine of millimeters to hundreds of meters of total trips.
They consist of structures, usually self-supporting, like a shelf, such as traditional warehouses, and moving parts that are responsible for carrying out the planting and picking of goods: they are the stacker, which allow the robot movements of cargo units in three dimensions, and are supervised by complex systems of photocells to assure the accuracy of the movements.

Automatic handling : These are systems that allow the handling of loading units of the warehouses. They can be auto exhaust systems of trucks, material handling systems using magnetic guide-wire Floor systems (AGVS: Automated Guided Vehicle Systems), automatic loading systems, which aim to prevent the deployment of personnel to perform mundane logistics, such as appointments loading, unloading and material handling.

At the operational level there are also tools that are placed in between the physical management and information management ; it comes to systems that allow management of WORKING Ides warehouse with the support of dedicated tools. For example, the tools to prepare orders: guns RF, RFID , Voice Systems (voice recognition systems). It
tools that speed warehouse operations, and reduce errors, but not to avoid the use of operators to perform them.

In the following we will see some of these automation technologies applied to logistics.

Good logistics!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Normal Hgb For 4 Yr Old

Logistics & Automation - Part

In this article we begin to go into the more technical logistics, considering aspects related to the management and operational tools in the logistical capacity to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its work.

A first great chapter of the technique is related to its logistics automation. In recent years the technological opportunities that have been developed for logistics are excellent, and led to put the issue of automation in activities that until a decade ago were the exclusive prerogative of the person managing the logistics, resulting in increased effectiveness and efficiency of logistics processes. In logistics

the introduction of automation can be related to two different parts of the work:
- introduction of automation in decision-making
- introduction of automation at the operational level

separate ways Let's see in where automation fits into these two distinct areas.

Automation decision

This category of operations, automation is made explicit through the introduction and use of decision support tools (called DSS, Decision Support Systems). These tools, which in practice are represented by computer programs are used for programming, simulation and deciding how to manage logistics operations to which they relate.
Within this group of instruments, depending on the type of activities they are involved in modeling, one can distinguish between different macro-categories, so they are very brief following.

Inventory Management : also known as MRP (Material Requirements Planning), automatically manage the parameters for the management of stocks (typically reorder points, and lots of cheap shopping), allowing the operator to act on stocks basic parameters of the program, which automatically generate orders for the supply, without having to analyze each case the products, their consumption, their delivery times.
Transport Management: This is the so-called heuristic algorithms, which, with a grouping mechanism of progressive gripping / delivery (the so-called clustering), shall, within a reasonable time to retry a sub-optimal solution of transport in case of sockets / deliveries from multiple starting points to multiple points of destination, it must be understood as the solution that offers the lowest overall cost of transport, not the lowest cost of each trip.

Warehouse management: the so-called WMS (Warehouse Management Systems) are systems that automate more decisions that allow you to automate the control of warehouse operations. This is made possible by real-time tools to record all stock movements, allowing the generation of dashboards provide real-time by the information system. The control panel allows the operator of this store keeping under control all the basic parameters of the same, so you can manage tasks more safely.

We will see in the second part of this article with the automation tools related to operational activities

Good logistics!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

How To Make A Hedgehog Cages

Information management in logistics

for proper and efficient warehouse management is not possible without a complete knowledge of all the flows of goods and information exchange processes that can affect the warehouse.
The assumption of logistics lies in its very definition, which reinterpreted and made concrete, can be summarized as follows: Logistics is responsible for coordinating in time and space, the flow of goods and information , with the objective of supporting business purchases and sales of equipment, with optimal effectiveness and efficiency .

So, to handle all the logistics process (the case of transport or storage), you need to know (and how) the flows of interest.
flows of goods: in the case of stock, are the incoming flows of goods (finished or unfinished), the internal flows of entry and exit from stock, in addition to handling and reconditioning, and finally the outflows represented from the sorting and shipping.
information flows: each flow of goods, to be managed by the logistic point of view, must be accompanied by their flow of information. This information through the warehouse just as the goods, and how they, during this step undergo clearings, modifications, consolidations.

The warehouse should then outline how a physical place that has some points of entry and exit well-defined, entering or exiting from which goods and information are moved and manipulated.

real and constant adherence to the goods information to which they relate is essential for the proper management of the entire logistics process inventory. The information, in fact, the means by which those who manage the store can make decisions and take action to improve effectiveness and efficiency, of course, if they are correct and up to date, the decisions will be better.

Thus, a first and fundamental principle of inventory management is the consistency and adherence between goods and information . Indeed, this attribute is a pre-requisite for the management of the store.
For example, it is easy to see what bad decisions can be taken if, for example, the stock amount of a given item is different from the physical reality: it will arise error in the calculation of supply problems in the provision of materials, and ultimately risk of lost sales. This principle

warehouse management teaches that logistics is not just the physical movement of goods, but also, and I would say first of all, information management, and their best use for handling the goods, looking for performance .
It 'clear that the logistics management information system, which allows processing of data and information, take the same strategic importance of other key logistics assets, such as specific know-how, warehouses, stationary and mobile, and indeed assume the role of "nervous system" which oversees and coordinates all logistical phases.

Good Logistics!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mens Brazilian Wax Stories

Operational activities of the transport and storage

We have seen that the expected supply to play its role adequately and proactively, in terms of facilitating change and improvement of logistics processes, must have the ability to create and develop an information system functional logistics activities, and contribute to the optimization of the processes by consultative approach to their management (although it would be better to call co-management, in coordination with the client).

On these issues, by their very large and important, we will return certainly later.
we pause now, instead, on the first and perhaps most important characteristic that must have the logistics: the operational capability, or, in other words, the ability to realize in practice the logistics activities associated with his role. As well of course, be able to do work is the prerequisite to do it ... and of course to sell it.

But what we summarize the operations of the logistics?
They differ depending on the position occupied by the operator in the logistics chain. We summarize these roles, and give the list of operational activities of each one, specify the necessary resources, in future articles we will analyze in detail each of them.

Role of the Carrier or Carrier
It 's the person who delivers the goods, inbound or outbound from a warehouse (one each in and out of the stock in question), and operational steps that are supposed to handle:

- Transport: vehicles, drivers, system geographic information system for travel planning
- intermediate storage : This is the transit of goods in the stores so-called interchange or transit points. Stores are exclusively handling and outgoing goods, which do not have stock, and identify often in distribution platforms: small deposits where, within a few hours, the goods are unloaded and reloaded, so the end of the business cycle appears to be empty warehouse
- Management of transport documents : according to the nature of the goods transported, must be drawn and used to transport documents required by the rules in case of intermediate stops and reloading of goods, documents of the second section of travel shall be made by carrier.

Role of Stock
It 's the person who stores the goods, and performs some processing on them that the only change in content or in the package, and that often include several steps of disaggregation and reaggregation of products according to varying criteria.
Operational activities more typical of a warehouse are:

- Reception goods: we need adequate spaces, mobile platforms (such flaps), operating personnel and moving equipment to move the weights appropriate
- Check and set up stock of goods: it takes systems (manual or information) for checking cargo, and storage facilities suitable for the type, size and weight of the goods
- Reception and preparation of orders : order management systems are required, equipment sampling (pickers, etc..) equipment for the packing and sorting of packages, and of course the operating personnel can perform these tasks.
- Shipping goods : the activity is similar to that of input, for which there must be adequate equipment and personnel.

In general, the operational activities "concrete" that the expected supply must be able to play are closely tied to the ability to have , organize, coordinate in time and space resources typically labor-intensive, such as human resources , and also typically money-intensive resources, such as those related to transport vehicles, warehouses, stationary and mobile and operating systems.

It is therefore complex and expensive resources management, which requires skills and vocational training as well as a potentially vast market and able to repay the costs. All These elements that contribute to the consistency of the reduced number of logistics operators actually able to operate effectively and efficiently in the field.

emphasize that the same requirements and capabilities must also possess the internal logistics functions to companies that choose to handle the logistics chain directly, without recourse to outside contractors.

Links to other articles and further insights on the skills required of the operator logistics.

Good logistics!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator

The role of logistics operators - part

We saw in the first part of what the requirements are that a Logistic Operator must have to express its activities and to initiate the added value that customers expect from it: ability to work, consulting skills, and ability to develop their information systems to support the first two.
Let's see these features in detail.

- Ability to work effectively in logistics

E 'the necessary basis, which is what available, or make available adequate resources to operate in the logistics field. It's instrumental resources, such as warehouses, vehicles, equipment, infrastructure in general, and human resources, understood as operators and employees, whose skill is often the result of a good logistic service. In addition, but not least, the ability to manage these activities-labor agreements, without the organization of which the results will come.


advisory capacity translates into the ability to understand, codify and standardize the exact customer requirements, designing and implementing logistics systems belonging to them. This ability is central to achieving logistics services appropriate to the request, providing exactly what the customer requires, without overdoing offerings do not want, and without restriction within the bid too low compared to the desired boundaries. While in the case of operational capability, it is a condition without which the operator may not even exist, in the latter case, this feature is quite rare, and limited to a few companies.

The third, last and functional capacity of the logistics operator lies in knowing how to design, develop and adapt to different needs its own information system, this part, representing the nervous system and cognitive del servizio, è ciò che rende possibile l’efficiente ed efficace utilizzo delle risorse operative, oltre che l’analisi e l’ideazione di nuove soluzioni. Un buon operatore logistico investirà quindi massicciamente in questa area.

Ma quali sono le criticità incontrate nel corso della cessione di attività a operatori logistici?
Sostanzialmente due, entrambe di tipo organizzativo e “politico”.

La prima consiste nel fatto che l’azienda cliente, cedendo attività all’esterno, deve rinunciare al controllo o per lo meno accettare una ridotta conoscenza del proprio futuro logistico: ciò porta spesso a “irrigidire” the contract logistics, thereby preventing the logistics provider to apply its expertise in improved function.
The second, all the operator is tied to the need for use of human resources "outside" (cooperatives, temporary workers), which, for lack of loyalty, "participation" for the company's values \u200b\u200band voltage improvement, it is difficult to apply management policies based on employee participation and the achievement of business objectives.

To overcome these problems, the solution is that of clarity and unity of the division of tasks and responsibilities, so clear and service contracts explicit, objective service levels and tariffs, contract management entrusted to professionals.

are very interesting topics that we will investigate later in life.

Good Logistics!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cervix Position A Week Before Period

The role of logistics - the first part and the economic crisis

The figure of ' Logistic Operator , understood as a complex entity that can take over the management of not only basic activities that constitute the supply chain logistics, but also their organization and their coordination, was born in the United States in the early '80s, when some companies that specialize in certain functions (eg, transport, warehouses, quality control), took a more autonomous and independent.

It is therefore of subjects and skills, relatively young in business, and for that very still during the definition and design of operational and management boundaries.

Today the definition of these individuals is that of companies providing all its logistics activities by acting as an outsourcer providing specialized services.
The role that these parties now hold is two-fold, from the point of view of operations and the expected added value.

From operational point of view, these companies are fully operational partners that, as responsible for blocking the logistics of the client, surpass and redefine the multitude of small entities to which the customer previously relied on the parts supply chain.

Not more then one operator for transport by the manufacturer, a warehouse management for raw materials, one for inventory management of production, one for the finished product warehouse, and another for distribution to the sales network , and so on, but a single point with full know-how, infrastructure and information systems adequate. So
subject unifying role of expertise and cost .

The second role, co-existing with the first, is to subject that, just as holder of the technical know-how, logistics can be introduced in the activity of the account of "reforms", or structural changes that can improve the outcome for the customer in terms of quality and service costs.
So the role of promoter of proposals to improve quality and cost.

But what requirements must have the knowledge and logistics to be able to cover adequately these complex roles?
Li can be summarized as follows:
Ability to work effectively in
logistics capacity to act as "Internal consultant"

Functionally these two, also ability to develop their information systems .

In the next episode we will analyze these in more detail their requirements of modern logistics. Logistics


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is A Double Edge Better Than A Mach3

The 2009 is, for all sectors of the economy and without a doubt, one of the worst years in terms of economic growth. Recent estimates speak, within the area of \u200b\u200blogistics, decrease market on a worldwide basis, around values \u200b\u200bof 90 to 10% . This general figure is actually quite variable across sectors, because there are areas that have lost volume in different percentages.
However, as I wrote , logistics shows decreases in volumes smaller than those of the corresponding sectors, which would mean that, despite the annus horribilis of the world economy, the logistics sector has continued in relation to himself to grow.

But how to deal with the crisis , in logistics?
Assuming that the recovery of volumes, of which the first tentative signs are beginning to see, back the economy on the values \u200b\u200bof at least 2007 between 2 - 4 years, it is clear that you can not "wait" passively that the market will recover, and then automatically return to the pre-crisis levels.

The moment of crisis is indeed a problem, but also an opportunity , it becomes particularly for those companies that already starting from a position of strength, using the crisis to optimize processes and costs, leaving it even more strengthened. The period of crisis is an opportunity in which there is a sort of "selection" of firms, after which the system again on the scenario only those companies that have the ability di affrontare attivamente la crisi, ne hanno sfruttato gli effetti per ridurre i costi; mentre non ricompariranno quelle aziende, purtroppo molto spesso piccole o poco strutturate, la cui debolezza ha loro impedito di “gestire” il momento di calo dei fatturati.

Ma COME si deve gestire la logistica in un periodo di crisi? Quali sono le cose da fare per evitare che un momento come questo possa far morire l’azienda, e quali quelle per dotarsi di un vantaggio competitivo che tornerà utile passato il periodo nero?

Per essere molto concreti, ecco cosa.

1) Anzitutto capire da cosa nascono le difficoltà logistiche:
- allungamento del ciclo di incasso per i servizi forniti
- reduction in the volume of the market (with generation of excess inventory and excess of capacity)
- less "supply chain collaboration" due to the spread of difficulties in all its actors
- risk, thus, to take emotional decisions

2) for each of these "risk factors", identify the most effective medium to long term: the first error to avoid is to reduce inputs indiscriminately, stocks, etc.. Innovative solutions, implement changes in the supply chain can mean being ready, and the pole position when the markets return to growth.

- Do not reduce the quality to cut costs, however, savings from studying the processes in their detail, and identify elements
According to the principles of timing and methods, and use resources.

Manage opportunities
Managing supply chain inventory wisely, not reducing them indiscriminately, but in a manner selected.
Understand and exploit the cost savings that can be observed historically during recessions:
- reducing fuel costs: impact on transport costs, it would be reduced proportionately, or to reduce inventory and increase the frequency of transport, to the point of balance
- reducing the cost of raw materials for commerce and distribution, reducing the cost of metals, petroleum, etc.. suggested managing the stocks speculatively (buying extra lower unit costs) to put into practice only if the goods purchased do not over-run the risk of obsolescence, since it can regulate the disposal of stocks until the market recovered

Preserving the quality
Increase flexibility and agility of the logistics system through its critical analysis, precise and rigorous, and approach the problem of redesigning the supply chain not only reducing costs, but with the same attention to conservation, even to increased quality.

challenges are complex, difficult, but if the logistics will win in recent months, will give the company a strategic competitive advantage both during the crisis, the market recovery. The tools available to the logistics will be those of his competence and creativity, operational analysis to the overview, the ability to draw from employees and third parties cues and ideas for improvement.

Good Logistics!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Does Medicare Pay For Omnipod Insulinsystem

Logistics Operations of supply chain logistics

All’interno delle diverse fasi operative della catena logistica, che possiamo immaginare come gli anelli della catena stessa, che collegano altri anelli e che costituiscono loro stessi parte integrante della catena, si distinguono diverse attività, e diversi luoghi di giacenza o manipolazione delle merci.
Queste diverse fasi devono essere approfondite per analizzare dettagliatamente una catena di fornitura, come abbiamo definito la Logistica.

Riprendendo le fasi della logistica che abbiamo visto un precedente post, definiamo queste attività:

Fase del trasporto dai produttori al magazzino centrale
- Coordinamento dei produttori
- Elaborazione ordini
- Organization of transport and consolidation (cross-docking logistics platforms)
- Execution of special transport (large, great, sea, air, etc.).
- Clearance (for goods from foreign producers)

Working phase in central warehouse
- Reception
and control - Quality control
- Manage stock and stock (inventory management, FIFO, LIFO)
- Receiving and processing orders
- Prepare orders
- sorting and packing pieces
- packing and sorting

During the transport to the final customer
- Deliveries to customers
- Management platforms or transit points
- Management of fleet vehicles
- City
Logistics - Managing complaints (claims)

For each of these phases and related activities of which they are made, there are facilities, resources, procedures, resources, equipment and software to manage them.
Each activity of each phase of the special features and needs, suggests that, for each of them, to develop the set of resources and procedures best suited to their management.

Soon we will enter into the specifics of management of some of these activities. The scope is broad and requires a high degree of technical expertise, which we will explain in detail entering. Logistics


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Much Attention Does A Pet Rabbit Need

operational phases of the Contract Logistics Market

Le fasi operative della catena logistica sono schematizzabili con le diverse fasi di manipolazione e trasferimento che la merce subisce lungo il suo tragitto tra il produttore e il consumatore finale.

Trasporto dal produttore al magazzino o deposito : questa fase di trasferimento può avvenire in un unico passaggio, oppure attraverso passaggi intermedi in depositi di consolidamento, magazzini centrali e transit point. Dopo il suo svolgimento, le merci sono presenti nel magazzino distributivo finale.

Lavorazioni di magazzino : questa fase coincide con le attività di manipolazione delle merci, che includono il loro ricevimento e controllo, la loro messa in stock (which created the stocks and their management) and their preparation for customer orders or retail distribution network, and the preparation of shipments. After his term, the products are ready to be put on the market, which is their final destination.

Transport from warehouse to customer : in fact, the final destination can be both the customer and a retail store, which in turn sells and / or delivery to the customer. This phase of transfer is one in which the goods are "scattered" in the area, and corresponds to the actual distribution of them on the market. At the end of this stage of the supply chain, it can be say that the primary mission of logistics itself, that is to make available products for their sale, is completed.

There are two other phases, which are not always present, and that which we call options.

Storage in stores : this time logistics is not always present, especially in cases where the distribution network providing only direct deliveries to customers. In reality, the vast majority of distribution network for the presence of retail outlets in the area, as this approach is more efficient and less burdensome for the final transport.
Here comes the logistics point of sale is summed up in inventory management (much smaller than the central warehouse), and management Shelf, translating from the shelf management. This matter of logistics "surrounded" by the discipline of marketing, who is studying how and where to place products in stores.

reverse logistics: the last phase of the logistics cycle is not always present, but only in cases where it is expected the flow of so-called return of unsold or returned. It can be very articulate, for example in the case of returns, with the withdrawal by customers, or less complex, in the case of returns from stores. In both scenarios, the logistics of returns is made in turn by a phase of consolidation dell'invenduto to make, one step backward transport of the goods delivered to stores, and finally a stage of processing of stock returns, which aims to generate new value by unsold products, through their return to the market, or further made to producers.

phases of logistics deserve a detailed study, which we will develop in the future.

Good Logistics!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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We talked about the choice that often are called upon to do business on the management of their logistics: logistics make or buy services logistics.

For the logistic is very interesting to know how it is moving in this time of world crisis, the market for logistics services , namely the market generated by the choice on the part of manufacturers or trade to buy logistics services for their activities at Logistics Operators accredited.

The use of logistics providers is often used by those companies that do not consider logistics as a core activity, and therefore see it as a simple service staff at the side of the sales or production.

Thus, the logistics market, defined in English Contract Logistics .
Definiamone attributes.

Setting : it coincides with the turnover generated by the integrated services of storage, transportation, value-added services, and supplies made under contracts regulated over time.

Dimensions: Assessment is based on the turnover of businesses, and crossed with the data on the industrial structure of the sector (indicators related to staff, managed to surfaces, etc.).. The size of the estimated total for the year 2008 amounted to 940 billion euro.

Weather: In recent years the increases in the market for Contract Logistics were 9% in 2006 8, 4% in 2007 and 3.3% in 2008. For 2009 it expects a closure even in decline by about 8%, this value, measured in the face of declines in some areas of logistics customers in double-digit percentage, gives an account of a market that can not decrease the volume manages, and therefore increasing its penetration. For the years 2010 - 2012 estimates provide average annual increases instead of between 2 and 3%. This takes into account an expected economic recovery in 2011.

Penetration of Contract Logistics: defined as the ratio between the value of the supply of logistic services and the estimated total value of services, including those that companies play in them, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability of customers to acquire, or rather to turn prospects into real customers. This value is placed around the 15-16%. The growth potential of this penetration are therefore very broad and allow to decouple growth in the sector from the goods of the customers. In fact there is a real possibility that the increased penetration of the Contract Logistics, which is to turn prospects into real customers, cancellations and even reversed the negative trend of products and customers, guaranteeing growth in years of economic stagnation.

These logistics data highlight two key points:
- Logistics still has, and will hold for a long time, high growth potential, because of its potential market penetration still low;
growth, even in these times of crisis, will manifest as a slow but steady increase, and not as a real boom.

We will be able to come back often on the subject of the Contract Logistics. Logistics

2009 Bari Jay Shimmer Collection

Choice Make or Buy

For a company, as we have said, can be difficult to make the decision Make or Buy, and then choose to run the logistics operations internally, or outsource. When a company

faces this kind of choice, it is usually due to an exceptional situation in the management, that does not fall into the "normal service".
For example, entry into major new markets, a crisis of sales with the consequent need to reduce costs, or acquisition of another company that increased volumes and high rates of turnover.

In any case, this decision results in a range of strategic, because it is not reversible only after a certain number of years.
fact, choose to buy or logistical influences and directs all subsequent business decisions, and directions investment company.

Summarizing the constraints that this choice generates, and in one case or another, we can consider the following.

Make Choice Choose to do logistics involves the need to invest in
- Storage: to build a warehouse, and amortized means a heavy financial commitment for at least 10 years, given the high costs of these investments
- Software: the costs construction and management information system are high, not to mention those of maintenance and updating
- Staff: to have the logistics in the house means having staff who works there, then a fixed cost that we will always, regardless of the volumes that the company will in future

Choice Buy
choose to buy a logistics services, implies a different view of management:
- Consideration of the service to buy: to gauge used to evaluate those who believe
- Put in the race vendors who are able to offer that service
- Choose the vendor that offers the minimum price, and that gives more guarantees.
- Create a corporate structure able to monitor and participate in the management of logistics ousourcing dates.

We shall return to the topic of outsourcing, analyzing the ways in which to do it better.

Good Logistics!

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Logistics and outsourcing

A key part of supply chain management, and also what is usually understood by definition when it comes to logistics, and inventory management.

The stock management is a very broad field, which must be treated to chapters, which requires great mental flexibility, and can be looked at from several points of view. The

inventory management can be dealt with inside the company that manufactures or distributes a product, and then we made in the case of logistics in-house (in house) or can be outsourced, that is outsourced, o data in outsourcing . In questo secondo caso, la gestione viene affidata ad un operatore esterno .

La gestione del magazzino viene data in outsourcing meno frequentemente di quanto accada per la gestione dei trasporti. Ad esempio, nel caso italiano, la gestione dei trasporti viene affidata ad operatori terzi nel 60% dei casi, mentre la gestione del magazzino viene affidata ad appaltatori esterni nel 15-20% dei casi.

Perché questa differenza? Perché questa propensione a terziarizzare i trasporti e non invece i magazzini?
Nel comune “sentire aziendale” la terziarizzazione viene vista molto spesso (anche a ragione) come una cessione del proprio “saper fare”, ie the business know-how. Outsourcing, meaning to manage others what until recently it ran on its own, is in a sense give up a part of the , and specifically how to opt out of it to a specific skill.

Well, in Italy, transport is often seen simply as the most "stupid" (wrongly, in fact) of logistics as that part to make the big powers which are not necessary, and on which we do not play the competitive advantage in the supply chain. Instead it is often identified, the competitive advantage of logistics, the warehouse management. This setting

thus has to have a market for the transportation contractors far more developed than that of storage for third parties. Hence the lack of large logistics operators can perform all logistics operations, in addition to transport, even on the management of warehouses.

The topic of outsourcing, or outsourcing, inventory is vast, and may touch issues related to:
- choice whether to buy or logistics (make or buy)
- if you chose to buy such
buy services - how to choose the supplier (logistics)
- how to draw up the contract of service (service levels, rates, durations)

We will return soon to explore the theme of outsourcing logistics. Logistics


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The parameters of the system: drivers

The procurement of goods, its storage, the preparation and distribution of goods, should be measured to ensure that each of these steps works best, the measurements are made with the indicators that allow you to define service levels that each phase must meet.

In a supply chain, Supply Chain or , every step and every operation is done while respecting certain service levels. Service levels define the quality that the logistical needs to ensure the immediate aftermath (Ie the next link in the chain), this quality is described by the indicators.

These indicators across different characteristics of each stage in logistics, which can be summarized thus:
- Feature time: frequency and duration of a certain phase
- Feature quality : indicates how the phase is carried out, ie if it is done properly (without faults) or when you turn evil (with faults)
- Feature space : indicates which and how much space a given phase deals for their performance.

For each of these stages are defined logistic parameters, which are called drivers system.
drivers because they are called " drive" the system, that is the point to a direction (eg, service and quality), or to the contrary, and besides there are parameters that can be measured, giving a precise quantification of the situation.

As we said, you must select and measure these parameters to measure the performance of our supply chain; be imagined as the attributes that each phase carries logistics, and explaining to each one, if it is done with quality and timeliness required in the next step.

We will have time in the future to investigate the issue of performance parameters supply chain. Logistics


Friday, October 2, 2009

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The Coeliac

Tra tutte quelle agli alimenti, l’intolleranza al glutine è la più grave: perché è permanente, nel senso che non si può guarire, e perché se non si prendono le dovute contromisure, influisce pesantemente sulla qualità della vita di chi ne soffre.
In Italia ad avere questo problema sono tanti: secondo l’Associazione italiana (Aic), le stime parlano di una persona ogni 100-150.
Ma che cos’è il glutine?
Una sostanza proteica che si trova in avena, frumento, farro, kamut, orzo, segale, spelta e triticale. Questo significa che i celiaci non può più mangiare alimenti comuni come il pane, la pizza, la pasta e i dolci.
Assumendo il glutine, infatti, una persona che ha questa intolleranza subisce un grave danno alla sua mucosa intestinale: l’organismo reagisce infatti aumentando la produzione dei linfociti (le cellule difensive) che vanno a colpire i villi intestinali, una sorta di tubi sottili che servono ad assorbire gli alimenti.
Conseguenza: i villi si atrofizzano e cease to perform their function. And in no time they begin to suffer from lack of calcium, iron and vitamins.
The diagnosis of celiac disease is not easy. Especially if you think you can rely solely on symptoms.

In fact, there are signs that indicate a potential intolerance to gluten, a person:

  • slimming or fat
  • sudden and unexplained, gastritis, diarrhea, recurrent headache, fatigue, brittle nails and teeth
But they are not always unequivocal indicators of celiac disease.
This pathology, in fact, can also assume different connotations: in children For example, it is easier to locate because the vitamin deficiency leads to a slowdown in growth.
In adults, however, must also suspicious ol'osteoporosi anemia that can not be resolved at an early age, problems related to fertility, irregular menstrual cycles.
The strong reaction of the body, opposite to the assumption of gluten, also affects hormonal balance.
are two steps: first, the specialist must take a blood test which detect antibodies characteristic of the disease, and secondly - if the test result is positive - we will have to undergo a biopsy bowel, through a gastroscopy.
The only way to treat celiac disease today is also the simplest: completely eliminate gluten from their everyday table .
Of course, implementing this therapy as a means saying goodbye to food as good as common as bread, pasta, biscuits and pizza, but also means that care about every dish that is eaten there is the slightest trace of flour, for example, or of another food "forbidden." In short, the sacrifice is no small thing, implies a considerable effort in terms of nutrition education.
Fortunately, in the past, opportunities to eat throughout Security is for celiacs. For years now, are scattered throughout Italy restaurants and pizzerias ad hoc, even in the highway restaurant menu is a "gluten free, gluten-free foods can be found in health food stores, supermarket, pharmacy ...

Trample Lethal Damage

The dandruff

all know the dandruff and the unpleasant feeling you get when looking in the mirror or talking to someone, we realize that unsightly white powder on his shoulders.
Technically, this is an excessive flaking of the scalp and is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis.
provoke and excessive proliferation, in the sebum, a tiny fungus called Malassezia . In this case, the scalp becomes inflamed and starts flaking.
Dandruff can be of two types: oily or dry.
The first sign of inflammation is more acute and often brings with it itching and the second is the signal instead of a slight problem.
But because it is presented?
Several scientific studies confirm that the source of the problem is in part a constitutional component, part of a familial predisposition.
Dandruff is nothing but the consequence of this scaling and must be fought from the start with accurate treatments that only a dermatologist can advise you.
usually requires specialist shampoo specific anti-dandruff, which contain antifungal agents (ie against fungi) and which, when used consistently, able to alleviate the redness of the skin. There is one condition, however, because the therapy to be successful: you have to respect the letter and the time prescribed by the specialist. This means that the shampoo should be used at the beginning at least two to three times a week, and then you will have to continue treatment as prevention. In this case, you just do the anti-dandruff shampoo once a week.
While dandruff does not care only at the table, the power still has an important role for her appearance.

Why scalp remains healthy we must abandon (or at least drastically reduce):

  • fried food and dairy products, sugar and
  • nicotine
  • prefer, instead, fresh fruits and vegetables, yeast and jelly real.

The recipes "grandma's" handed down are two more:

  • The first is to prepare a clutch base vinegar and nettle. Boil in 0.75 liters of water and a pint of vinegar, 100 g of nettle leaves for about 30 minutes. It filters out everything after the shampoo is rubbed on the skin and hair root big wad soaked in this liquid. You wait 10 minutes and then pour the remaining liquid on the head. Eventually, he rinses his head.
  • The second recipe, the egg has its protagonist. Are mixed in a bowl of egg yolks 3 fitted with a glass of warm water. She massages the scalp with this solution and leave for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse everything by adding a splash of vinegar in the rinse water.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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The problem is that in Italy, unfortunately, is full of Italians. THE BRIDGE ON THE CLOSE

The problem is that "... In Italy, unfortunately, is full of Italians.
Italian citizen has evolved over the years.
He did it in a literal sense, or has "adapted" to the habitat that surrounded him.
He understood that to survive it must adapt to a system made up of recommendations and exchange of favors, nepotism, bribery and blackmail. What
to climb a rung of the social scale to refine the very Italian art of prevarication, the cunning, selfishness.
who must learn to treat your very special interests carefully, forgetting the community. What
to advance in career to ingratiate himself with his superior laugh at every joke (when required).
He understood that no matter who you are but who you know.

In some cases, this metamorphosis, this mutation, unconsciously, sometimes deliberately.
Every Italian has in the modified gene.
Each of us has it.
And if we make a careful examination of conscience, honestly, we realize it. Some try to stifle self-administer
culture and critical information in massive doses, reciting mantra-based sense civic, intellectual honesty, ethics and morality.
But it is not easy, few are able to eliminate.
usually is left behind.
air of most civilized countries seems to help neutralize the devastating effects of the mutant gene.
Before this change as deep as one can hope that an ordinary person, not a politician to speak, who speaks of substance, of secularism, bioethics, renewable energy and energy saving, flexibility of secure, permanent education, rights of women, homosexuals, immigrants and respect for individual liberties, participatory democracy, the centrality of the circles and the base in the life of a party, the computerized for a more direct and rapid involvement of members and is not, can have any hope of victory.
How can we think that also has a chance if we consider that when you talk about these issues does not do so smoky, generic, in principle, but does so in a timely, detailed preparation, with answers dry, clear, sharp .
with concrete proposals as well. .. "Oh sorry ...

the text is not my bag of flour (it's a certain Massimo Marini) and refers to Ignazio Marino candidate for secretary of the PD ... ( why not become secretary of the PD Marino )

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What Kind Of Dogs Does Jeffree Star Have

Today, Saturday, September 5, 2009, after the "trial" of the pedestrian castrocarese of August, the president of Pro-site spa has distributed a "single number" of "the bell", revival of parochial antiseniano turn of the century, in which the the president himself signed a comprehensive proposal aimed at creating a permanent planning a pedestrian area between the entrance of the baths and the parish church, which provides for the creation of a new road with a lot of construction of a third bridge crossing the river Montone. ( click the map to see in graphic detail the proposal and the critical points )
When you say that fantasy has no limits and that ideas do not have the copyright and, as the lies have short legs or a long nose!
In the late eighties and early nineties of the twentieth century, the City of the Sun and Earth Castrocaro, experienced, negatively, the first administration of the center-left coalition with a dismal PCI-DC (commissioner miserably after just two years). In
electoral program of the DC project proposals were two completely redundant and impractical in both technical and economic means a road crossing the center castrocarese through a tunnel under the fortress and the construction of a third road bridge accessible from the Viale Marconi in front of the cemetery with an outlet on the ring.
Two proposals unworkable, he said, both for technical and economic reasons but also very political!
Leaving out the technical reasons contrary to the tunnel (understandable and obvious) include only those related to building a third bridge over the river Montone.
The proposed solution (taken in all respects in the current re-proposal) sought to clear the area near the spa complex in the passage of cars and trucks, especially trucks and tractors for transportation of agricultural products is of those crafts.
The solution did not in fact that upstream of Castrocaro is an intense activity agricola (seconda voce nell'economia locale) che necessita di raggiungere sia la pesa pubblica sia il Consorzio agrario posti in prossimità della Porta Fiorentina di Terra del Sole.
Così come non considerava le tante attività artigianali (piccole e grandi) insediate proprio dentro al tessuto urbano dei due centri principali.
Fra l'altro, per sopperire all'attraversamento dei centri abitati ai mezzi in transito, il territorio comunale da oltre 30 anni è dotato di una circonvallazione scorrevole e agevole posta sul lato destro del fiume Montone.
Negli anni recenti il Comune si è anche dotato di un piano della viabilità che è stato redatto sulla base di un'indagine accurata sul reale traffico automobilistico e che solutions did not particularly meaningful except to confirm a plan "on paper" since the late nineties, that a new road to be carried out upstream of the Land of the Sun
Finally, the newly approved Municipal Structural Plan , on the road cap. (3.1 The infrastructure of the Report - click on the map ) further than the Plan force, a strategic intervention regarding the construction of a road that, going ahead of fortress of Terra del Sole, this bypasses the historic center as well, in part, to the village of Castrocaro possible to envisage making use of existing roads crossing of the two centers Castrocaro Earth and the Sun for a traffic very limited and public service accommodation and mostly pedestrian.
This will also work to design of street furniture that can qualify the town and attract and interest, for a prolonged stay more , tourists also coming from nearby towns to give more weight to the tourism industry that More must be valued not forgetting that Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole have two adjacent historic centers, a Renaissance and medieval one, which aggregation is perhaps unique in our region.
were provided in the PSC, two interventions roads connecting with the SS n.67: the first verse Forlì and near the center of the Earth and the Sun of the street adjacent Ladino, the order to make it easy to reach the pedestrian center for those who use parking spaces near the hypothetical SS n.67, the second in Sorgara area in the south - west of the urbanized area to Dovadola, to connect directly to the S.S. n.67 la viabilità a servizio di zone agricole per evitare l’attraversamento delle strette vie della zona da parte di mezzi agricoli più lenti ed ingombranti rispetto ad altri mezzi di locomozione. Per tali interventi la priorità attribuita dall’Amministrazione Comunale è media mentre lo stanziamento è da reperire ed il progetto è da redigere. (...)
Lo stesso Piano Triennale prevede altri interventi importanti sulla viabilità con creazione di una zona pedonale a Terra del Sole con opere di arredo urbano nella piazza d’Armi, la realizzazione di un asse viario di collegamento a via Matteotti, per decongestionare via Conti con istituzione del senso unico d’ingresso in via Conti dalla S.S. n.67 e conseguente riordino delle relative intersezioni.
Nell'articolo di Elio Caruso (il presidente della pro loco castrocarese) dell'attuale numero unico de "il Campanone" si legge che la proposta progettuale di isola pedonale e conseguente nuova viabilità è condivisa anche dalla maggioranza comunale!
Le considerazioni che Caruso avanza a giustificazione della proposta, non potendo avvalersi di nessun elemento tecnico ed economico, sono pertanto da considerarsi meramente politiche e come tali dovranno essere motivo di discussione e confronto tanto più che sono appunto condivise anche dall'attuale amministrazione comunale!
Non of course, among other conditions which arises from such a provocation as the experimentation carried out in August of the pedestrian island on Saturday evening did not appear to minimally increased the tourist attraction of the spa town that fails to emerge in the recent past !

Saturday, August 8, 2009

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ALDROVANDI, mercurial, Bianzino, ALES, ... AND THEN AGAIN ... ??


the story?? something like that of Alberto Mercuriali ... small fish are large sharks


Ministry of recipient: *


Current delegate to answer: MINISTRY OF JUSTICE delegate on 29/07/2009

Act Room

question to answer 4-03852
written by Rita Bernardini

Wednesday, July 29, 2009, n.211 sitting

The Minister of Justice.
- To know - given that:

as reported by the agency ANSA, the night of July 27, 2009, in the home district of Rovereto (Trento), took his own life by hanging himself with bed sheets, Stefano Frapporti, a craftsman Trentino 50, who is arrested the day before and located in the observation ward of the Institute of punishment;

Stefano Frapporti, no individual lost a hand during a bad accident at work, was stopped by police while cycling; subjected to searches in the pocket was found about a pound of hashish which is intended, according to the time by the same suspect, the personal consumption;

the grave problem of suicide within prison facilities should be held in high regard by the Ministry of Justice, since the life, health and, more generally, the physical and mental wellbeing of the people who are in a state of deprivation of personal freedom are elements that deserve special attention and a constant commitment to fair terms of the same prison system;

and indeed the current situation is particularly alarming given that throughout 2008 there were 42 suicides, while in the first seven months of 2009 already have 39 people killed themselves, so it is feared that by December 2009 will be peaked in 2001 with 69 cases and, therefore, a suicide rate of 124 per 100 000 prisoners (on the Italian population is 8 per 100 000);

attendance of prisoners within Italian prisons have almost reached 64 thousand share: 52.2 percent of the inmates are behind bars in custody, while among those convicted, about 9 thousand people are serving sentences of less than one year, to what should be added that half the prisoners suffer from hepatitis, 30 per cent and drug addict, the mentally ill 10 percent and 5 percent had HIV, in addition the rate of growth of the prison population in recent times increased by 1000 prisoners each month;

a firm policy on crime does not exclude the realization of a prison system that, having to be constitutionally's recovery and rehabilitation of prisoners, must to offer a minimal condition of living, especially against those groups vulnerable to suicide (the mentally ill, drug addicts, non-EU citizens, and, generally, people from the area of \u200b\u200bsocial problems);

the Director General of the Department of 'prison administration, Dr. Sebastiano Ardita, sent on 18 December 2008, a circular to all regional supervisors of the prison relating to' suicide prevention and the protection of life and health of detainees and / or interned " and called for all operators to further efforts aimed at avoiding critical situations;

the substantial failure of the organization of work for the prison population, which creates unbearable and long periods of idleness, is almost certainly an important contributory factor in the explosion of acts anticonservativi -:

if the suicide occurred in the home district of Rovereto have been carried out appropriate investigations and which they may have outcomes;

if the Government does not intend to propose a complete review of Law 49, 2009, said Fini Giovanardi law is having a severely negative impact on the prison situation and that is leading to rapid recurrence of that phenomenon of overcrowding, so emergency situation, we tried to address in recent times;

considerato l'alto tasso di suicidi in carcere, che dipende dalle condizioni di sovraffollamento degli istituti di pena e dalle aspettative frustrate di migliori condizioni di vita al loro interno, se il Governo non ritenga di prendere in considerazione eventuali iniziative finalizzate alla promozione di un provvedimento di clemenza;

se il Governo non ritenga che l'avvio di una seria e generalizzata politica di organizzazione del lavoro per la popolazione detenuta sia elemento di rilevante importanza per contenere il triste fenomeno dei suicidi all'interno degli istituti di pena;

quali iniziative, più in generale, il Governo intenda assumere per contenere e ridurre l'alto tasso dei suicidi in carcere.

then this letter of the CGIL!

CIVIL CGIL Trentino Muredei 8 38100 TRENTO VIA
ZETA BUILDING TEL. 0461-303942 FAX 0461-303941 fp@cgil.tn.it

Respectable. Editor of newspaper Trentino Rovereto

On the tragic story of Stephen Frapporti, who committed suicide in prison in Rovereto, of course repeat the proper function of the staff of District Prison.
An event of this magnitude will inevitably always leaves and trains but it is worth noting that this episode seems to have the contours of the yellow.
The staff in the evening of the tragedy acted in accordance with the procedures by current laws and regulations. The poor
Frapporti was asked if he wanted to have the option to alert the family by the same institute, but he refused.
make up for a shortage of Administration, which does not provide an adequate psychological support, the staff of the Penitentiary Police undertakes the task of reassuring, with the means it has, people who come from freedom, even if this discussion.
There was no signal that could be imagined, the staff in this institution, the intentions of that soon they would find tragic substance.
For this investigation, which is a rapid response to the circumstances-identification any responsibility, to protect the same police personnel Prison is the least we can hope for.
If you decide to do away with life in general no flaunting it and it is therefore difficult to prevent, especially in the absence of specialists in the field (the CC from Rovereto, for example, the psychologist has a contract for a few hours a week). Furthermore, the methods chosen are effective and often is unproductive disconsolately any early intervention.
If a person decides to desperation to cut the veins and put themselves under the covers, it will be impossible to notice. Tie a piece of cloth around his neck and a torn t_shirt and tie the other end to a bar or a radiator and drop method is a terribly effective and the gesture is consumed in seconds. If you want to find
responsibility will seek the inadequacy of the detention facilities, the lack of space, overcrowding in the absurd, in the now chronic shortages of staff in each professional profile but most of the Penitentiary Police in drastic cuts in economic resources or the sick and pervasive culture which would necessarily delinquent who comes to life in prison even for a miserable day.

Trent July 29, 2009

p. Fp_Cgil Trentino Giampaolo

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dream Card My Sims Kingdom

Point Plan houses, apartments are almost ready Cese

Point Plan Houses, apartments are almost ready Cese
's a race against time that the construction of the CASE plan, if you want to keep the promise made by the Government and Civil Defence to deliver later this year to suffer from mid-September, a home at least 12 thousand displaced people. So let us review the situation.

I have yet to work sites Coppito Arischia, Roio, GIGN, Paganica2, Assergi.

plates and seismic work undertaken in some cases have already been placed in St. Anthony, Collebrincioni, Camarda, Paganica south, Tempera.

Jobs in advanced instead Bazzano and Elijah, and especially in Cese Preturo, which is currently the flagship of the CASE plan. Here the work entrusted to the South Tyrolean company Wolf Haus, and ETS Orceana Cstruzioni and Engineering, started on 11 July, and already the first 100 apartments are nearly ready and in September will be the first to be delivered to key in his hands. In yesterday's close Sassa Wolf Haus workers have begun work for 200 apartments on the first day and the walls were laid for the first 25 homes. In addition to the timing of these sites have a more certain value than others: the flats of wood that grow very eyes are the energy class''A''and made it according to advanced standards of green building. Allow that energy savings up to 90%, and a special thanks Megawand multilayer insulated wall, with an hour of heating at 22 °, the temperature remains unchanged for nine hours. In the interview

service to the Director of Haus Wolf, Kurt Schoepfer.

29/07/2009 13:53