the story?? something like that of Alberto Mercuriali ... small fish are large sharks WRITTEN ANSWER TO QUESTION 4 / 03 852 Ministry of recipient: *
Current delegate to answer: MINISTRY OF JUSTICE delegate on 29/07/2009
Act Room
question to answer 4-03852
written by Rita Bernardini
Wednesday, July 29, 2009, n.211 sitting
The Minister of Justice.
- To know - given that:
as reported by the agency ANSA, the night of July 27, 2009, in the home district of Rovereto (Trento), took his own life by hanging himself with bed sheets, Stefano Frapporti, a craftsman Trentino 50, who is arrested the day before and located in the observation ward of the Institute of punishment;
Stefano Frapporti, no individual lost a hand during a bad accident at work, was stopped by police while cycling; subjected to searches in the pocket was found about a pound of hashish which is intended, according to the time by the same suspect, the personal consumption;
the grave problem of suicide within prison facilities should be held in high regard by the Ministry of Justice, since the life, health and, more generally, the physical and mental wellbeing of the people who are in a state of deprivation of personal freedom are elements that deserve special attention and a constant commitment to fair terms of the same prison system;
and indeed the current situation is particularly alarming given that throughout 2008 there were 42 suicides, while in the first seven months of 2009 already have 39 people killed themselves, so it is feared that by December 2009 will be peaked in 2001 with 69 cases and, therefore, a suicide rate of 124 per 100 000 prisoners (on the Italian population is 8 per 100 000);
attendance of prisoners within Italian prisons have almost reached 64 thousand share: 52.2 percent of the inmates are behind bars in custody, while among those convicted, about 9 thousand people are serving sentences of less than one year, to what should be added that half the prisoners suffer from hepatitis, 30 per cent and drug addict, the mentally ill 10 percent and 5 percent had HIV, in addition the rate of growth of the prison population in recent times increased by 1000 prisoners each month;
a firm policy on crime does not exclude the realization of a prison system that, having to be constitutionally's recovery and rehabilitation of prisoners, must to offer a minimal condition of living, especially against those groups vulnerable to suicide (the mentally ill, drug addicts, non-EU citizens, and, generally, people from the area of \u200b\u200bsocial problems);
the Director General of the Department of 'prison administration, Dr. Sebastiano Ardita, sent on 18 December 2008, a circular to all regional supervisors of the prison relating to' suicide prevention and the protection of life and health of detainees and / or interned " and called for all operators to further efforts aimed at avoiding critical situations;
the substantial failure of the organization of work for the prison population, which creates unbearable and long periods of idleness, is almost certainly an important contributory factor in the explosion of acts anticonservativi -:
if the suicide occurred in the home district of Rovereto have been carried out appropriate investigations and which they may have outcomes;
if the Government does not intend to propose a complete review of Law 49, 2009, said Fini Giovanardi law is having a severely negative impact on the prison situation and that is leading to rapid recurrence of that phenomenon of overcrowding, so emergency situation, we tried to address in recent times;
considerato l'alto tasso di suicidi in carcere, che dipende dalle condizioni di sovraffollamento degli istituti di pena e dalle aspettative frustrate di migliori condizioni di vita al loro interno, se il Governo non ritenga di prendere in considerazione eventuali iniziative finalizzate alla promozione di un provvedimento di clemenza;
se il Governo non ritenga che l'avvio di una seria e generalizzata politica di organizzazione del lavoro per la popolazione detenuta sia elemento di rilevante importanza per contenere il triste fenomeno dei suicidi all'interno degli istituti di pena;
quali iniziative, più in generale, il Governo intenda assumere per contenere e ridurre l'alto tasso dei suicidi in carcere.
then this letter of the CGIL! CIVIL CGIL Trentino Muredei 8 38100 TRENTO VIA
ZETA BUILDING TEL. 0461-303942 FAX 0461-303941
Respectable. Editor of newspaper Trentino Rovereto
On the tragic story of Stephen Frapporti, who committed suicide in prison in Rovereto, of course repeat the proper function of the staff of District Prison.
An event of this magnitude will inevitably always leaves and trains but it is worth noting that this episode seems to have the contours of the yellow.
The staff in the evening of the tragedy acted in accordance with the procedures by current laws and regulations. The poor
Frapporti was asked if he wanted to have the option to alert the family by the same institute, but he refused.
make up for a shortage of Administration, which does not provide an adequate psychological support, the staff of the Penitentiary Police undertakes the task of reassuring, with the means it has, people who come from freedom, even if this discussion.
There was no signal that could be imagined, the staff in this institution, the intentions of that soon they would find tragic substance.
For this investigation, which is a rapid response to the circumstances-identification any responsibility, to protect the same police personnel Prison is the least we can hope for.
If you decide to do away with life in general no flaunting it and it is therefore difficult to prevent, especially in the absence of specialists in the field (the CC from Rovereto, for example, the psychologist has a contract for a few hours a week). Furthermore, the methods chosen are effective and often is unproductive disconsolately any early intervention.
If a person decides to desperation to cut the veins and put themselves under the covers, it will be impossible to notice. Tie a piece of cloth around his neck and a torn t_shirt and tie the other end to a bar or a radiator and drop method is a terribly effective and the gesture is consumed in seconds. If you want to find
responsibility will seek the inadequacy of the detention facilities, the lack of space, overcrowding in the absurd, in the now chronic shortages of staff in each professional profile but most of the Penitentiary Police in drastic cuts in economic resources or the sick and pervasive culture which would necessarily delinquent who comes to life in prison even for a miserable day.
Trent July 29, 2009
p. Fp_Cgil Trentino Giampaolo